Exactly what he wanted-Hunter Clarington

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Hunter Clarington knew as you soon as you walked into his office accompanied with Blaine that he wanted you. From asking Sebastian about you he gathered that you are bit mischievous when you want to be, clever, and nice but sometimes sassy. He also learned you currently have a significant other named Andrew. Andrew is a mindless jock according to Sebastian of course. Hunter didn't see him as a huge threat because if he wants you he would get you.

He struts into McKinley High School ready to put his plan in motion. He smirks as he walks down the hall wearing his Dalton uniform proudly. As he walks down one of the halls, he sees you up against a locker kissing some blonde haired boy. You wore your Cheerios cheer uniform while the jock wore his letterman jacket.

That must be Andrew. He thinks

Hunter hides and decides to eavesdrop on you guys. He hopes you guys get into a fight and he can use whatever the fight is about to get you to dump the jock. Then Hunter would ask you out. He could do instead of his original plan. The only problem is this plan requires a fight between you guys. And your currently letting Andrew shove his tongue down your throat. So Hunter can see right now you guys aren't really heading towards a fight.

"Babe, I have to go. I got practice." says Andrew pulling away from you

"But we were having so much fun." You say pouting a bit not want your boyfriend to go

Hunter rolls his eyes at this.

"I know and I defiantly want to continue later." Andrew says kissing you again

"But coach won't let me play if I don't go." says Andrew

"Fine, go." You say sighing as you softly push him away

"We can continue this later." Andrew says winking after making Hunter roll his eyes

"Definitely." You wink before turning back to your locker

As soon is Andrew is down the hall, Hunter leaves his hiding spot and waltzes his way over to you.

"What do you want?" You ask a little annoyed as you spot Hunter making him smirk a little

"I just came to properly introduce myself. Hunter Clarington." He says smirking holding his hand

You roll your eyes a bit suspecting that Hunter had something up his sleeve.

"Y/N Y/L/N." You say placing your hand in his

He smirks as he holds it up to face and kisses the top of your hand looking into your eyes. You look at him sort of confused and bit annoyed.

"So what's the reason you are here?" You ask crossing your arms over your chest

"I can't just come here to introduce myself to a beautiful girl?" Hunter says

You can't help the blush that creeps up on your face from Hunter's comment.

"If you were a normal person I would say no, but you're a Warbler. So I'm going to say yes." You say

"I'm here to see the auditorium of this smelly public school." says Hunter

"You aren't planning on stealing our trophy again, are you?" You ask curiously making Hunter slightly chuckle

"No, because the Warbler's are going to win this year and that's what matters." answers Hunter smirking at you

"Maybe in your dream. The New Directioner's are going to wipe the floor with your preppy asses." You say

"I think it's you that are dreaming, sweetheart." says Hunter

"I guess we will find out who's dreaming and who's winning at regional's this year." You say as you walk away from him as he chuckles

"I guess we will." Hunter says before he walks away

He then heads to the football field wanting to speak with your dear boyfriend, Andrew.

"You're Andrew, correct?" asks Hunter as he walks up to the blonde boy before his football practice starts

"Yes and you are?" questions Andrew confused as he looks at the Dalton guy in front of him

"I'm Hunter Clarington and I have a proposition for you." says Hunter smirking largely

Tears fall down your face as you sit at the Lima Bean Cafe the next day. As you stare at your phone, that had a text message pulled up from Andrew. I'm sorry but we're over, it's not you, it's me. it reads. First off he broke up with you over text which is the most coward way to dump somebody. Second, off he gave you the most idiotic excuse. It's not you, it's me, really? He had to have used the most annoy overused, break up excuse line in the history of the world. Hunter walks into the Lima Bean cafe where he knew you would be. He walks over to you where you are seated.

"Hello competition I- what's wrong?" Hunter asks seeing your tear stained face as he sits down next to you in the small booth

"It's nothing, not like you care anyways." You mutter as you wipe your tears away

"Just tell me what's wrong." says Hunter rolling your eyes at your little commentary

"My boyfriend just broke up with me over text." You softly confessed

You felt stupid, you thought Andrew was really into her but then he broke up with you.

"Did you date an idiot?" scoffs Hunter causing you to look up at him

"What?" You question confused to why Hunter would say that

"Firstly, he's an idiot because he broke up with a gorgeous girl like you. Secondly, he was idiot and a coward for breaking up with you over text. You deserve better than some junky break up text." says Hunter as a tear falls down your cheek

"He didn't deserve you." He adds wiping the tear on your cheek away

"Thank you." You say as you lean on to Hunter as he wraps a strong arm around you

"It's no problem, gorgeous." says Hunter kissing the top of your head smirking

Hunter Clarington got exactly what he wanted again.


Didn't really like Hunter Clarington but I love Nolan Gerard Funk. So that is the only reason I wrote this😂

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