Stiles + Derek (Requested)

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Requested by @gervaacnes

Grace the main thing Stiles and Derek argue about besides the fact Derek wants Stiles to stop calling him sourwolf. When they aren't yelling at each other they actually have a quite funny friendship.

Stiles and Derek both have a massive crush on Grace. Grace is the same age as Stiles and is a werewolf bitten by Peter like Scott sadly.

Stiles has liked Grace since the two of them were little. Stiles likes everything about the beautiful ginger haired girl. If you asked Stiles to name one thing he didn't like about Grace, he wouldn't be able to answer since there isn't one.

Derek has liked Grace since the moment they met, but he didn't realize he liked Grace more than a friend until he got to know her more. Derek really really likes Grace and he rarely likes anyone after what happened. So this is sort of a big deal for Derek Hale.

"I'm her best friend Grace likes me!" yells Stiles

"Please, you couldn't be farther in the friend zone." argues back Derek who has his arms crossed while Scott sits on the couch awkwardly watching the two of them

"Well there is no way, she likes you, Mr. Sourwolf. The whole grumpy thing isn't hot." shoots back Stiles angrily

"Well I'm sure it's hotter than your spaz and sarcastic thing you got." argues Derek mad

"Guys stop it." says Scott standing up

"At least I'm her age." argues Stiles ignoring Scott

"You look like you are a freshman. At least I don't look like a kid." says Derek

"Okay, guys that's enough." barks out Scott

"I'll find out which one of you Grace likes. Then will you two stop fighting?" says Scott, who is Grace's other BFF

"Yes!" They both instantly say before they glare at each other making Scott sigh

"Have you asked Grace yet? What did she say?" questions Stiles as soon as Scott walked into school

"Dude, I just got here. Give me a minute." says Scott

"Sorry, I just really want Grace to like me. I really like her Scott." says Stiles

"I know man and I promise as soon as I find out I'll tell you." says Scott placing his hand on Stiles's shoulder giving him a small smile

After lunch, Scott heads towards the library where he knows Grace will be when his phone rings. Scott sighs as he sees it's Derek before he answers the phone call.

"What's wrong?" asks Scott

"What? Nothing." replies Derek

"Then why did you call?" questions Scott confused since Derek normally only calls him if something is horribly wrong and Derek needs his help

"I wanted to know if you have found who Claire likes yet." answers Derek making Scott groan

Why did I volunteer to do this? thinks Scott

"No, I haven't I was actually on my way to ask her until you called me." says Scott

"Oh okay, I'll, uh, call you back." says Derek before he hangs up

That dude is so weird. thinks Scott as he stares down at his phone shaking his head

Why did I volunteer to do this again? Thinks Scott with a sigh

Scott heads into the library to instantly spots the ginger sitting at a table looking at her biology book.

"Hey, Grace." says Scott with a smile as he sits down across from her

"Hey, Scotty." says Grace grinning at her best friend

"Can I ask you something?" questions Scott

"You already did." replies Grace with a teasing smile which causes Scott to roll his brown eyes

Scott gives Grace an annoyed look.

"Fine, what's the question?" Grace says curiously wondering what Scott needed to know that is so seriously

"Do you like Stiles or Derek?" questions Scott

"Like as in friend or more?" Grace questions confused to why Scott is asking this

Did Lydia and Scott switch bodies? Grace thinks

"More." answers Scott causing Grace to blush a little

"Yeah, I like one of them in that way." Grace says

"Which one?" questions Scott

"I like..."

"Oh okay." says Derek sadly after Scott tells his the bad news

"I'm sorry man." says Scott sympathetically

"It's okay." says Derek before he hangs up

"I'm gonna guess you didn't get the girl." says Peter with a smirk

"Shut up, Peter." growls Derek walking away from him

"She...she...she likes me?" questions a very shocked Stiles Stilinski and Scott nods

"She.....she likes me!" says Stiles very loudly as he jumps up and down while pointing at himself

"Buddy, calm down." says Scott placing his hands on Stiles's shoulder grounding him

"Yeah, yeah, your right. I need to talk to her." says Stiles before he rushes off

Scott shakes his head laughing at his best friend.

"Wish me luck." yells Stiles from down the hall

I need new friends. Thinks Scott before he heads to his locker shaking his head

Grace stands at her locker grabbing her books for literature when Stiles runs up to her.

"Hey Grace." says a very smiley Stiles as he looks into Grace's stunning hazel eyes

"Hey, Sti." says Grace

"I just.....uh, wanted to ask you something." says Stiles suddenly feeling quite nervously

"Okay, ask away." says Grace

"I.....was thinking we could go on a date together....if you want to?" questions Stiles nervously

Scott told him. Thinks Grace

"I really want to." answers Grace with a grin

"Really?" questions Stiles still in shock that the beautiful likes him

"Yes, Sti, I really want too." says Grace giggling

"Great....does Friday night work?" questions Stiles and Grace nods in response

Grace moves closer to Stiles and leans up pressing a kiss to Stiles's cheek.

"Can't wait." says Grace giving a stunned Stiles a smile before she walks away from him heading to class

"Best day ever." breathes out Stiles

"Best day ever!" yells Stiles before he runs down the hall searching for Scott to tell him what happened

I'll never forget this day. Grace thinks with a grin


8 more days till Christmas!

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