Remember Prt2-Barry Allen

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Barry Allen lays next to you in your bed staring at your peaceful sleeping figure.

    It's been a a few months  since you lost your memory. You still haven't had any memories surface yet. Barry was starting to give up on you remembering your guy's memories. He has sort of started to give up hope you'll remember. Now he is faced with a choice; move on or start over. Barry knew which one he would choose in a heartbeat. Starting over. You are the girl he loves and he would never leave you. He could sort over. He could build new memories with you. You could fall in love with him again. You fell for him once why couldn't it happen again? He just hoped you would be willing to start over.

  He blushes slightly as you open your eyes to see him staring at you. Barry has been staying the night with you lately. You couldn't remember who is evil in this town and who isn't. Normally Barry sleeps on the couch. But last night you noticed he had bags under his eyes probably from sleeping on your uncomfortable couch. His feet hang over the couch from how tall he is. So last night you forced him to sleep on your bed with you.

"Good morning. So where are we going today?" You say giving him a small smile

Barry stares at you suddenly nervous. Normally Barry would take you somewhere and tell you a memory from the past. Hoping you would might remember it but it never works.

"I'm, was, uh thinking we could do something else." says Barry

"Like what?" You ask confused

"I was, uh, thinking we could maybe go on a date? There's a chance you may never get your memories back and it's been a few months maybe we should start making some new memories? If you want I mean. You might not want to make sure memories. You could totally be into some-" rambles Barry nervously until your chuckling interrupts him

"I would like to go on a date with you Barry." You say giving him a tiny smile

Part of you was excited to go a date with Barry. It was obvious he loves you and you loved him once so maybe you can fall in love with him again. Barry was very attractive to you and you think he has a wonderful personality. You have to admit you like him. Plus he didn't give up on you just because you can't remember him so you know you mean a lot to the slightly awkward boy. The other part of you thought if you went on this date you were giving up. Giving up all your past memories.

"Great." He says jumping out of bed smiling largely

"I'll be back at noon for our date." Barry says smiling excitedly

"Can't wait." You say before he speeds off

You chuckle a little at how excited the speedster seems. 

Barry and you have grown closer from your standpoint at least. He was awkward at times but you find it quite adorable. He is also very funny as well. Plus you think the fact he is a speedster is totally cool. He is also very good looking. You can obviously see why you fell in love with him with his cute boyish charm. You just hope you can do it again. You don't want to hurt Barry. He is so nice and sweet plus he has stayed with you through this whole mess. And he loves you enough to try again with you. You want to try again with Barry but you wish you could remember the past as well. But either way, you are pretty excited for your date with Barry.

You sit next to Barry tying your rented bowling shoes.

"So how do we play this again?" You ask as you stand up

Slightly embarrassed you can't remember how to play.

Why did I have to lose my memories? You think annoyed

Chuckling Barry stands up.

"I'll show you." He says softly as he grabs a bowling ball

He stands behind you one of his hands on your waist and his other arm helping you aim the bowling ball. He slightly blushed at how close you guys are you doing the same. Sure Barry has been closer to you before but this is different. This is like being on your guy's first date again.

"So....the goal is to just knock down all the pins." He explains

"Okay, so how do I do that?" You ask

"Just...aim for the middle pin." He answers

You nod before you let Barry help you hit the pin. You squeal as you hit the middle pin and they all fall down.

"We got it!" You squeal as you turn to face Barry a huge grin proudly on your face

"Yes, we did." He says smiling

Impulsively, Barry cups your face and presses his lips to yours not really thinking about it. It was just a habit for him to kiss you from before the whole memory loss thing. Once he realizes what he is doing, he pulls away.

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have down that. I should have asked first. You might not have wanted to kiss me I mean this is-" starts to ramble a nervous blushing Barry before you cut him off by kissing kissing him

You pull back to see a shocked but smiling Barry Allen.

"W-what was that f-for?" asks Barry making you chuckle

"You're cute when you ramble but it was totally unnecessary. I like kissing you, Barry Allen." You answer smiling a little as you slightly blush

Barry smiles before kissing you again.

It didn't matter anymore you can't remember because you like Barry. You could see yourself falling for him and that's all that matters to you right. That Barry and you will be okay. And that it doesn't matter if you remember , you have Barry.


Snowbarry or Westallen? I ship both❤️

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