Sister Sister Part 4

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You were right hanging out with the one and only Theo Raeken was interesting, to say the least.

"So you are a vampire that's cool, what powers do you have?" asks Theo curiously as you sit at lunch with him

", I can compel people, heal people with my blood, and then anything is heightened including emotions and hearing things like that basically. I have supernatural strength and speed so I guess it's cool." You answer with a shrug

You were still not sure how you feel about hanging out with Theo though you didn't really have much say in it. Since he has sort been dragging you around all day.

I don't get why Stiles thinks he is so bad, he doesn't really seem evil.

"Do you like being a vampire?" questions Theo

"Um....not really." You answer honestly causing Theo to look at you confused

"Why not? You are like crazy powerful." says Theo not understanding how you could not like being a vampire

You are immortal, super powerful, and can compel people to do whatever you want, he wouldn't see anything even remotely bad about that.

"There's a few thing about being a vampire that you wouldn't get unless you are one." You answer as memories flash through your head of the bad thing you have done

Instantly your mood drops into one of sadness and regret.

Theo could sense the change in your mood and felt bad which is rare for him. Theo could tell he had upset you so he decided to try and get your mood back up.

"You want half of my cookie?" offers Theo holding half of his chocolate chip cookie out to you

"Sure." You say with a grin, your mood lifting at the sound of the word cookie leaving Theo's mouth

Theo gives you a small smile before he hands the cookie over to you.

"Thank you." You say before you take a bite out of the cookie

Theo smile grows as he sees that you seem happy.

I think I actually really like her. thinks Theo as he watches you eat your cookie

As the day contained the more Theo realizes he actually genuinely likes you.

At first, Theo only tried to hang out with you to learn more about vampires. Since it intrigues him because of how powerful they are, but the longer the day went on the more he realized he actually likes you. Not just because you are a vampire but because of your personality. Sure he found you're sassy my humanity is off kind of hot but this is a different kind of attraction. You just have seen a bite broken but you are still so sweet. Theo is broken that one is for sure, but he took a different route in life. For some reason, seeing you gives Theo hope that maybe he can turn his life around and be a better person. That he can try and make up for the mistakes he has made.

You lay on your bed thinking about your first day back at school. You pat yourself on the back you didn't lose control. You didn't drain or even feed on anyone at all. Thankfully your veins didn't even make an appearance or your fangs. You even made a few friends since the ones you used to have all graduated from high school. Then there is the time you spent with Theo. You knew you could never tell Stiles about it since he totally kill you. Luckily he went back to the FBI academy for training today. Scott actually is going back to college this week since you compelled them to take him late.

You didn't understand why Stiles and Scott told you to stay away from him, he didn't seem evil. Theo actually seemed quite nice to you though sometimes during the day he seemed a bit awkward like he wasn't sure what he was doing. Like when you the two of you had a period and decided to go the library to study. He forgot to hold the door open for you, though you didn't expect him to really, Theo quietly cursed at himself for not doing it. You found that cute though. You just didn't see anything even remotely evil about him, Theo actually seemed quite sweet.

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