Best Friend's Girl-Chris Schistad

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Chris Schistad stares at you, Y/N Y/L/N, in admiration. You are the girl that he has been in love with since he was 15 years old. The only thing that stopped the Schistad boy from asking you out is that you are dating his best friend William Magnusson. Chris could never do anything to hurt his best friend even if it is hurting him by seeing the two of you together all the time.

You currently stand with Eva who you grew to be friends with even though you guys are in a different russ and in different grades.

"Chris is staring at you again." says Eva who has noticed that Chris often stares at you

You turn to see if she is telling the truth. Eva happens to ship the two of you together even though you are still with William. You look to see she is indeed telling the truth. You give him a slight wave and a small smile.

Chris turns a little red a bit embarrassed he was caught by you, but still returns the wave and a smile. You turn back to Eva after wards.

"Told you so." says Eva with a smirk making you groan annoyed

"Eva, we are just friends. I'm dating William." You say tired of her constant trying to prove that Chris likes you

"And how is that going?" asks Eva with a quirked brow causing you let out a sad sigh

William and your's relationship seems like it is going to come to an end soon. William has been acting really really weird lately. He would avoid you and then when you did talk he just was all fidgety. You tried to talk to him more and figure out what is going on but he always seems to weasel his way out of answering. You couldn't figure out what is going and at this moment you are starting to think about dumping him. There is no point in continuing a relationship if the other one is putting no effort into it.

"Not any better than last week." You answer sadly

Eva gives you a sympathetic look before she changes the subject trying to not let you be upset.

Chris sits next to William on his phone texting one of his booty calls.

"I really like her." says William as he stares at her causing Chris to look up from his phone

"Dude, of course, you-" starts Chris until he notices his graze is on Noora not you

" cannot be serious." says Chris with a look of disbelief

"I am. I like her...I-I really like her." says William looking at his best friend

"I can't believe you." says Chris shaking his head before he tries to walk away

William gives him a confused look before he follows after his best friend.

William is such a dick. Thinks Chris as he exits the school building

"Dude, wait." says William placing a hand on Chris's shoulder

Chris turns to look at William with a glare.

"Why are you so angry about this?" asks William with a confused look not even caring that a crowd has now gathered

"I'm angry....because you are an idiot you know that? You have the most amazing girl in the whole world as your girlfriend and here you are crushing on some blonde." answers a very angry Chris Schistad

"You have feelings for Y/N don't you?" asks William getting a bit angry himself

"Well someone should. Obviously you don't." says Chris and then William swings his fist at Chris's face

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