Cisco Ramon (Requested)

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Requested by @Whittmore37

Audrey walks around at the local comic con looking at everything in awe.

This is awesome. Thinks Audrey but then someone runs into her

She starts to fall but thankfully the person grips her and stops her from falling to the ground.

"I'm so so sorry." says a male sounding voice as he helps Audrey up

Audrey looks up to see the person's face to see the cutest guy she has ever seen in her life. He has perfectly styled shoulder length black hair with adorable puppy dog brown eyes.

While Audrey checked out, Cisco was doing the same with her. He thinks she has the prettiest blue eyes in the whole wide world. Cisco also thought she has the most silky looking blonde hair he has ever seen.

She's beautiful. Thinks Cisco

"Oh, um." says Cisco causing Audrey to snap out of her trance

Cisco lets go of Audrey stepping a step away to give her some space.

"Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." says Cisco

"It's okay, neither was I." says Audrey giving him a small smile

"I'm Cisco." says Cisco holding his hand out

"Audrey." says Audrey smiling as she shakes his hand

"So are you a fan or did you come here with someone?" asks Cisco, who is subtly trying to figure out if you are here with a significant other

"I'm a fan." answers Audrey picking up on what Cisco is trying to ask

"Would you maybe want to look around with me?" asks Cisco

"Sure, but only if you can help me figure out what comic to buy." answers Audrey making Cisco's eye light up

"I can definitely do that." says Cisco grinning largely

That's how Cisco and Audrey meet after that they started dating when a nervous Cisco asked her out. But both of them are keeping secrets, very big secrets. Audrey is a meta with powers like Music Meister, who is also Audrey's brother. They weren't very close growing up but for some reason, he dragged her to this universe. Audrey likes to keep her powers hidden because she just wants to be normal and nor did she wanted as a criminal for what her brother did. Cisco hasn't told her about his powers either.

Audrey sits at dinner with Cisco laughing at some joke he made when his phone beeps. He quickly pulls it out and his eyes widen at what it says. Team Flash needed him but he has had already to bail in the middle of your dates three times.

"I, uh, I'm really sorry, but I have to go." says Cisco grabbing his jacket as he stands up

"But I'll make it up to you, I promise." says Cisco as he rushes out of the restaurant

Leaving a very confused Audrey behind.

Audrey walks into her apartment and can't seem to stop the thoughts swirling in her head.

Does Cisco not like me? I mean why else would he leave in the middle of our dates and he normally ends up sticking me with the bill. Is he just going out with me for free food or something? Thinks Audrey curiously

"She isn't answering my calls." says Cisco as he looks at his phone after Barry ended up defeating the metahuman

"What if she dumps me?" questions a worried Cisco looking up at Barry and Caitlin

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