Christmas isn't so bad-Dean Winchester

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    You look at your boyfriend watching him as he sleeps soundly. It is really the only time you get to see a truly peace Dean Winchester. His arm is wrapped around your waist keeping you close to him. You know it's because he likes to make sure you are there. It comforts him because if you are in his arms then he feels that you are safe.

Christmas is in a few days and you know Dean doesn't really celebrate holidays. But you really want to make this one special for him. You guys started dating in January so you haven't had a Christmas together yet. You already have figured out what you are getting him for Christmas. You wanted to get a tree but you know Dean would never go for it. Plus you sort of wanted it to be a surprise. You also obviously got Sam a present since he is your best friend and Dean's brother who you live with.

You were a nurse working in a small town before you started dating Dean. You knew about the supernatural since your brother is actually a hunter since your parents died from a Wendigo. You didn't want to be a hunter but you wanted to help people so you became a nurse. Your brother would come to you whenever he got hurt on a hunt and soon other hunters showed up needing your assistance. You were happy to help and always fixed them up free of charge. The Winchesters often stopped by since it seemed at least one of them was always bloodied and bruised. You remember the first time you met the Winchesters. You were at home watching tv as you sipped on some wine when your doorbell rang. You rushed to the front door only stopping to grab your holy water and opened it to see two bloody men. The shorter one obviously more injured than the other.

"You're nurse Y/L/N right?" asks the taller one after you splashed him with holy water

"Yes and let me guess you're hunters right?" You questioned as you let the men inside your house

"Yes, we're the Winchester's." answered the tall one as the short one lets out a groan

You sort of know the name since your brother has talked about them before and told you all about the crazy hunts they do.

"Follow me." You said leading them down the hall to where you have a makeshift doctor's room

"Lay him on the table." You instructed as you get some pain medicine ready

You headed over to him as the taller one watched you. You started to inject the man with the medicine when he spoke up.

"I didn't expect to get such a hot doctor." He said with a cheeky smile making you chuckle before you inject him

The boys came back all the time injured from hunts or sometimes they just needed a place to stay. Sam and you grew close as friend but Dean and you became more. You ended up dating the Winchester then falling in love with him before you moved in with him.

Dean was a flirt but underneath neither his whole playboy persona was a sweet broke boy.

You ran around Christmas Eve getting your present ready.

Dean's going to love it! You think happily a huge grin forms on your face as you get into Dean's Baby the gift in the back seat.

You quickly hide Dean's present in a place you don't think he'll look.

"Did you get my pie?" asks Dean who thought you just went to the grocery store as you walk into the kitchen

"Of course." You answer holding the bag in which the pie is in making him smile

"I knew there was a reason for why I love you." says Dean smiling as he heads towards you but then he quickly realizes what he said as your eyes widen stopping his movements

Sure, you fell for him, but neither of you have said those three words to each other before.

" love me?" You question still in shock

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