The Alpha Part 2-Liam Dunbar

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"I need your help." says Liam as he bursts into his shared room with Theo, who currently is unpacking some clothes he has

Theo lets out a sigh before he plops himself onto his bed.

"Okay, what's wrong?" asks Theo watching the Beta who is freaking out

Liam quickly dives into the story telling Theo what happened when the two of sparred and all the feelings he has been getting. When Liam finishes telling his story, Theo bursts out laughing.

"This is great. You and the sexy alpha female." laughs out Theo

Liam's eyes glow amber as he lets out a growl. Angered by Theo laughing at him and by Theo calling you sexy.

"Okay, okay, it's not funny." says Theo putting his hands up in a surrendering motion

"So do you know what this is?" asks Liam

"Of course, I know everything supernatural. I did my research." answers Theo smugly

"Well....what does it mean?" follows up Liam with worry clear in his crystal blue eyes

"You two are mates as in soulmates." explains Theo with a smirk

"W-what?" stumbles out Liam

"Yep, now excuse me but I need some sleep. We have training in the morning." says Theo before he shuts his eyes attempting to fall asleep

Mates....Y/N and me are mates. thinks a stunned Liam Dunbar

"Dude, you reek of nerves." says Theo as Liam and him make their way to training

"That's because I'm nervous." says Liam

"Why? You nervous to see your little mate?" says Theo with a teasing smile as he whispers the mate part

"Shut up." says Liam with blushing cheeks causing Theo to chuckle

You stand in front of the crowd of werewolves wanting for everyone to show up. When your boyfriend, Samuel joins your side.

"So what's the plan for today?" He asks

"We train the pack then we have a meeting with all the Alphas here about the game plan for attacking Monroe." You answer as you scan over your clipboard which holds the timetable for the day

"You prepared?" questions Samuel with a raised brow

You look over at him with an annoyed look on your face.

"Of course." You answer with a glare

The thing you hate most about Samuel is his problem with underestimating you. You had no clue if it was because all he saw you as is the little girl you used to be or it's because you are a girl in general. If it is because you are a girl then Samuel is a huge sexist dick. But personally, if you had to guess you would go with the first one. Younger you was nothing like how you are now. Shy, a bit clumsy, and sheepish was how you were until the day things changed, pretty much everything changed.

"Was just wondering, no need to get all glare central on me now." says Samuel making you let out an annoyed huff

Why did I make that stupid promise? You think with a sigh

"Okay, what's up with you?" asks Scott during the break in the middle of training to Liam

"What are you talking about?" questions Liam, his heart thumping quickly and Scott could clearly hear it

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