Lifetime-Liam Dunbar

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You stood at your locker grabbing your books for class when your daily visit from Liam Dunbar came.

"Hey, Y/N." says Liam smiling largely

Liam has been asking you out for a good solid month now. Every single time you have answered no. Liam is nice and very cute, but the problem was so was your last boyfriend. You got pretty burned in your last relationship really hard. Your ex-cheated on you with your best friend at the time. He broke your heart into millions of tiny pieces. He left you devastated. Since then you haven't had a boyfriend, sure the occasional hookup but nothing actually serious. What Liam wanted was serious and you didn't want that. But him asking you out every day is starting to get old and you know he probably isn't going to stop until you say yes.

"Hi, Liam." You say looking at him

"Will you go out with me?" asks Liam for the hundredth time it feels like

This time you decide instead of your normal no and walking away you decide you should explain your answer.

"'re nice but I'm only going to break your heart and that's not fair to you." You answer honestly

You know you probably would. You would find some way to screw things up with him. You would probably get scared and end things.

"I don't think you will....Just give us a try." says Liam really wanting to date you

"Okay, Dunbar, I'll do it." You agree thinking Liam could be a nice rebound but nothing more than that

"You will?" says Liam happily his eyes lighting up like Christmas lights making you slightly giggle

"Yes, Liam." You say

Smiling Liam leans forwards and kisses your cheek happily.

"Great, I'll pick you up Friday at 7." says Liam smiling before walking away

As he does you watch him do a fist pump to the air as he walks down the hall. This action causing you to shake your head chuckling at the blue-eyed boy.

That was around 4 months ago, and that's when you found a problem. You had fallen head over heels for Liam. You adored everything about that boy. You adored the way his eye's light up when he sees you. You adore his smiles and his cute boyish smirks. You adore his beautiful happy laugh. You adore seeing him play lacrosse because you know he loves it. You adore the small things and the large things about Liam Dunbar.

You realized you love him the night you laid in your bed longing for Liam to be next to you after he stayed over for a few nights. You longed that night for him to cuddle you. You longed that night for him to be kissing you and running his fingers through your hair. You realized too that you couldn't imagine anyone else doing any of those things with. You are in love with Liam Dunbar and that scares the hell out of you.

What also scares you was the fact he told you yesterday that he loves you. You remember that moment like it a minute ago.

You laid in your bed with Liam watching a movie he liked. He had one of his arms behind your head that you were using as a pillow and he used his hand to play with your hair.

"I love you." Liam admitted softly

"What?" You questioned shocked by what the blue-eyed boy just admitted as you look up at him

"I love you." He says looking into your eyes lovingly

You felt your heart beat rise. A part of you was overjoyed by Liam's confession and the other part is terrified of it.

"I know you might not be ready to say it back and that's okay but one day you will be. And I'll be right here to say it back to you." says Liam smiling softly

He then pecked your lips gently before going back to the movie while you thought about what he said.

You had ignored him all day. All his text messages and all his calls. You didn't want to talk to him. Scared of that fact he loves you and you love him. Your ex and you were in love once but that love ran out for him. And when it did he found something in your best friend while you loved him. That's what you were scared of. That he may love you right now but that one day that might change. And he would leave you broken heart and alone once again. Part of you thought it would be better to stay away for your heart now by ending things before you fall deeper in love with him.

You sat on the couch watching The Notebook trying to distract yourself. Then the doorbell rings, you run to it to open it to see Liam.

"Hey, Y/N." says Liam

"Hey...Liam." You say

"Have you been ignoring me?" asks Liam

"Yeah....look, Liam, I want to break up." You answer looking down

A part of you was screaming that you are making a mistake.

"What?" Liam questions looking at you upset

"Why?" He asks needing to know what he did wrong

"I....I just think things are going too fast and I...I don't feel the same way you do." You answer but Liam knew that wasn't true

Liam knew that you love him. You told him in every way you love him but verbally. He could tell from your chemosignals in this moment you are scared and saddened. He also could tell by your heartbeat you had lied to him.

"Look me in the eye and told me you don't love me." says Liam

You raise your head and look into Liam's eyes. You couldn't do it, you couldn't tell him you didn't love him.

"I..I can't-do it." You say softly

"Y/N, I know your scared but there's nothing to be scared of I love you." says Liam

"But what if one day that changes? What if one day I'm not enough for you?" You question softly as tears gather in your eyes

"That will never happen." responds Liam wiping your tears away as he holds your face gently in his hands

"How can you be so sure?" You ask still a little scared

"Because the kind of love I feel for you never burns out." answers Liam smiling softly at you

"I love you too." You softly admit

Smiling Liam brings his face down to yours and kisses you softly but passionate. And you know that Liam's right; this is the kind of love that will last a lifetime.

Didn't have a post written for today so here is one of my imagines from my Teen Wolf Imagines books which of you haven't read it you totally should!

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