Love Spell-Damon Salvatore

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You run with Damon, Elena, Caroline, and Stefan towards the warehouse where Bonnie is currently being held. You are a vampire so you could keep up with the others. You sort of got stabbed by Katherine and died but luckily you had vampire blood in your system so you can back as a badass vamp.

"I'm worried the witch who has her is really powerful." says Elena as you all stand outside the warehouse

"We'll save here, I promise." says Stefan softly taking Elena's face in his hands before he kisses her

"They make me sick." says Damon fake gagging

You chuckle at this.

"I think they are cute." You say shrugging

"Too cheesy for me." says Damon before he walks towards the couple

"Okay knock it off you two, we have a mission. We need to save Bon-Bon." says Damon

You could tell he was trying not to show how worried he is but you could tell he was a little scared. Damon and you head inside. The plan was for Damon and you to distract the witch long enough for Stefan and Elena to sneak up behind her and kill her. You guys find Bonnie tied up to a chair and a huge cut on her face blood trailing down it. The witch was standing in front of her with a huge smirk. You step forward to head into the room but Damon rushes you back. He gives you a look that says stay behind me before he heads in. Begrudgingly you stay behind Damon.

"Witchy, witchy, don't you know not to mess with a Bennett witch?" asks Damon causing the witch to turn to us obviously startled

"Aww, one of the famous Salvatore brothers." says the witch smirking

"You have heard of me? Then I guess you really are stupid because then you should know to never mess with my friends." says Damon

"Who are you?" asks the witch looking at you

Damon steps in front of you blocking you from the witch's sight in a protective manner.

"Stay away from her." He instructs as Stefan and Elena sneak up behind the witch

"I see I've struck a nerve maybe I-" starts the witch but then Stefan stabs her with a knife

The witch falls the ground screaming in pain. In her last moments, she says something in Latin as if she saying a spell before she dies. Elena and you run over to Bonnie while Stefan looks worried.

"What was that she said before she died?" asks Stefan looking concerned as you and Elena untie Bonnie

"Who cares? Probably it was just some witch mambo jumbo." answers Damon as you guys finish untying Bonnie

Elena and you instantly pull your witchy best friend into a tight hug.

"I'm so glad you're okay." You say feeling relief since you now know Bonnie is okay

You wake up the next morning to someone knocking at your doorbell.

Why is someone here at this hour? You think annoyed as you walk towards your front door

You open it to see a smiling Damon Salvatore.

"Y/N!" He exclaims in a very happy tone

You couldn't help but sort of confused. Damon was never this sunshiney so it was a bit out of character for the raven hair vampire.

"Hey, Damon, did you-" You start until Damon pulls you into a tight hug

Your eyes go wide from shock since Damon never really hugged you. Sure that one time you got kidnapped he did when he found you but never really other than that. But you still wrap your arms around him. Damon snuggles into the hug.

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