Nolan Holloway (Requested)

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Requested by @dubar9sprayberry

  Stella knew her brother would not approve of her having a crush on Nolan, and he could be so angry if they ever dated, but luckily for her, he wasn't in Beacon Hills at the moment. He is off helping Derek with Monroe in North Carolina. Stella smirks a little as she struts up to Nolan.

"Hey, Nolan." She says walking up to Nolan

He turns to look at her looking really shocked.

"H...Hi...S-Stella." stumbles out Nolan and Stella didn't need werewolf hearing to know that Nolan's heart is racing

"So I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date sometime?" asks Stella making Nolan look even more shocked

"Y-you want to go on a date with me?" questions Nolan in disbelief

Since number one he was helping the hunters who were planning on killing her brother's pack. Number two since Stella is pretty popular and he is just him. Number three since Stella happens to be the most gorgeous girl Nolan has ever laid his eyes on.

His question causing Stella to slightly giggle.

"Yes, I want to go out with you Nolan." says Stella giving the blue-eyed boy a reassuring smile

  Nolan's eyes instantly light up with happiness since he sort of has liked the girl since ninth grade. But he has always been too scared to talk to her. Scared of being rejected by the brown-eyed beauty.

"Then, of course, I would." says Nolan making Stella smile

"Great, how does Friday work?" asks Stella

"I-i-it works great." answers Nolan still shocked that Stella actually wanted to go out with him

"H-how about I-I walk with you to class?" asks Nolan nervously making Stella's smile grow

"I would like that." answers Stella taking away some of Nolan's nerves as he smiles largely

  As they start to head to class, Stella takes Nolan's hands in his. Making both of their smiles grow as they head to class.

"You know Scott is going to freak when he finds out you're going on a date with Nolan?" says Liam as the raven-haired girl and he walk to lunch together

Stella rolls her eyes at this comment.

"He isn't going to find out very soon since he is with Derek unless a certain blue-eyed beta decides to snitch on me." Stella says giving Liam a pointed look

"I'm not going to tell...but I don't know how smart it is to keep secrets from your brother." says Liam

"You're keeping a secret from him too. You're dating Theo." points out Stella making Liam blush

"Shut it." mutters a red-faced Liam making Stella smirk since she knew had won this argument

"Hello." says Stella answering her phone as she finishes getting ready for her date

"Why didn't you tell me you are going on a date with Nolan? I had to find out from Liam." says Lydia sounding angry on the other line

I'm going to kill him. thinks Stella

"I had to find out from Stiles that you and he are dating." says Stella

"That doesn't matter. excited?" asks Lydia

"Yeah." answers Stella smiling as she thinks of Nolan

She then hears the doorbell ring

"Got to go. Heis here. Wish me luck." says Stella before she hangs up her phone

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