Barry Allen (Requested)

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Requested by @somethingbig11

Paige looks around a bit scared. Since it was almost midnight and she walking down the side of the street.

I can't believe she ditched me to go hook up with that tool. thinks Paige annoyed that her friends and her ride home ditched her at the bar

Paige hears a loud noise and she instantly turns around to see a raccoon.

I think I almost just had a heart attack. thinks Paige her hand over her heart that when someone grabs her

Paige squirms as a hand is placed over her mouth and an arm around her waist keeping her still. She tries to scream but the sound is muffled by the guy's hand. Paige then bits the man's hand. He groans as he lets go of Paige to hold his hand in pain. Paige takes a few steps starting to run away when the guy painfully grabs her arm.

"You're not going anywhere, sweetheart." smirks the blonde haired guy making Paige gulp nervously

Barry walks home from going to the movies with Cisco, he looks ahead to see a man and a woman fighting. He could tell he didn't have time to flash on his suit. So he flashes forward to see it's Paige, the girl he has been trying to work up the nerve for the past month to ask out. She works at Jitter's and Barry walks is always in there but he always got too nervous to ask her out on a date.

"Get off of me you creep." says Paige scared

Barry then zooms infront of Paige moving her a little back so he stands in between her and the creep.

"I believe the nice lady said to get off of her." says Barry vibrating his face so the man could see who he is

The man looks scared before he runs off. Barry turns around to face Paige.

"Are you okay?" asks Barry looking over Paige worried

"I think so, he might have bruised my arm, but nothing really serious." answers Paige

"Thank you for saving me flash." says Paige giving Barry a hug

"It's no problem." says Barry blushing a little as Paige pulls away a little

"It was a big deal, things could have gotten really bad if you didn't save me. So thank you again flash." says Paige giving Barry a small smile

"It's Barry actually." says Barry as he stops moving his face

Paige's eye widens at this.

"It's you! The cute boy who gets coffee from my work every day." says Paige

" think I'm a cute?" questions Barry a little shocked by the brunette girl's comment

"Oh um,...yeah." answers Paige a little embarrassed as she blushes a little

"I think you are really pretty. I uh, actually have been trying to work up the courage to ask you out for a while now....but uh, now I don't really have anything to lose since I just told you my feelings really. So, uh, will you go out with me?" rambles a nervous Barry

"I would love to Barry." says a smile Paige

"R-really?" asks a shocked Barry making Paige giggle a little before she nods yes

Excitedly Barry moves forward wrapping one arm around Paige's waist and his other hand gently cups her cheek. He then impulsively leans forward and presses a kiss to her lips. Barry pulls back realizing what he just did.

"I-I shouldn't have done that you probably didn't want that with me yet. I-I totally get it if you don't want-" starts to ramble a blushing embarrassed Barry until Paige cuts him off by kissing the speedster

"You're cute Barry but you worry a little too much." says Paige as they pull apart making Barry chuckle

"How about I walk you home?" says Barry

"Sounds great to me." answers Paige

Barry and Paige pull apart. They start to walk to Paige's apartment when Barry takes Paige's hand in his.

"What if they hate me?" Paige asks nervously a few weeks later as she heads to STAR labs with her boyfriend

Barry chuckles at this as he holds Paige's hand.

"They are going to love you." says Barry looking into Paige's hazel eyes, her nerves melting away a little

"You really think so?" asks Paige still a little nervous

"Yes, I do." says Barry smiling as he opens the entrance door to STAR labs

Paige walks out of the elevator with Barry to see a darker guy and a brunette smiling woman.

"Dang, Barry! How did you get a girl so out of your league?" says the guy making Paige chuckle as Barry shoots the guy a glare

"Hi, I'm Caitlin. Don't mind Cisco over there." says Caitlin shaking Paige's hand making Paige chuckle

"Nice to meet you. I'm Paige." says Paige smiling

"Oh trust me we know Barry never shuts up about you." says Cisco as he stands next to Caitlin

His comment making Barry blush.

"Shut up, Cisco." says Barry embarrassed as Paige laughs

"I'm going to go show Paige around now." says Barry glaring at Cisco before he guides Paige away

"So you talk about me all the time?" teasingly questions Paige making Barry groan

"I liked Cisco and Caitlin they were pretty cool." says Paige as she leaves STAR labs with Barry an hour or two later

"Yeah, they're pretty great." says Barry smiling

"Plus Cisco told me the reason you came to Jitter's every day before we went out is that you wanted to stare at me." says Paige smirking a little as Barry's cheeks turn red

"I'm going to kill Cisco." grumbles Barry

Paige laughs as she moves to stand infront of Barry wrapping her arms around Barry's neck.

"But I sort of already knew that." says Paige

"You did?" questions Barry, his blush deepening

"You weren't very discrete." answers Paige laughing as Barry looks down embarrassed

"But I didn't mind because I thought you were really cute." confesses Paige making Barry look up smiling

He then pulls Paige into a kiss.

"I'm glad I came there everyday because it was the reeason I ended up dating you." says Barry smiling

Paige grins largely before she pulls Barry into another kiss.

Thoughts on Alec from the last episode of Teen Wolf ever?

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