Too Busy-Dylan O'Brien

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You sit down on your couch with a sigh. You are currently the American heart throb Dylan O'Brien.

    You live a normal life. You aren't a model star or a model. You are a nurse down the Los Angeles hospital and you absolutely love it your job. It's actually how you met Dylan, the two of you ran into each other in the parking lot of the hospital. He ended up asking you out and you agreed. At the time, you didn't know he was the Dylan O'Brien. You found out of course after paparazzi showed up during your date. Other than that the date perfect and you guys stayed together. You have officially been together for one year.

Things have been amazing, perfect even until a few months ago. You understand that Dylan is busy with filming, interviews, and photo shoots and you aren't one to be clingy. You like having your me time but things have been a bit estranged lately. You guys haven't been on a date for three weeks now. You haven't even talked to Dylan in a week now. Not even a single text message. Your birthday is tomorrow and you haven't even talked about plans. You are starting to think he forgot about it. The thought of it even makes you feel sad since you really really like Dylan. You might even say by now that you love him, but things seemed to be going south. Many days it seems like you should just call it quits and end things right then. When days go by and you don't get a single text from Dylan. When all your friends throw parties and bring there boyfriend with you having to go alone. Even though Dylan promised he could come.

If he doesn't call tomorrow...maybe it's time. You think before you let out a sigh

You turn on Netflix picking a random movie deciding you just wanted to relax instead of worrying about your problems.

  You head into work the next morning to be greeted by your coworkers telling you happy birthday. They even got you cupcake. You sit at the nursing station eating your very delicious cupcake before you check your phone. You let out a sigh as you see you have no messages from Dylan. You set your phone down disappointed but you still try to keep a positive attitude.

Maybe he didn't forget, he probably just isn't up right now. You think trying to convince yourself he didn't forget

You soon head away from the nurses station needing to check on your patients. First you head into Mr.Wilbur's room. A sweet elderly man who has been in the hospital for a week since he had a heart attack. Mr.Wilbur is definitely your favorite patient.

"Happy birthday, Miss.Y/N." says Mr.Wilbur with a smile

You hold in a sigh trying to plaster a grin on your face to hide your annoyance with Dylan.

I can't believe Mr.Wilbur has told me happy birthday before my own boyfriend. Thinks Dylan

"Thank you." You say with your fake smile as you head over to his bed side to check his heart monitor

"What's wrong kiddo?" asks Mr.Wilbur obviously noticing that something seemed to be bothering you as you seemed tense and have a vibe of unhappiness

"It's nothing, really." You answer giving him a tight smile

"Oh, come on. Kiddo, I'm old and in the hosipital, I don't have anything better to do than listen to your problems." says Mr.Wilbur making you sigh

"My boyfriend hasn't wished me happy birthday yet." You confess

You know that may sound a bit stupid since he has the rest of the day to tell you, but he hasn't even talked to your for a week and half now.

"The super star one?" questions Mr.Wilbur

You let out a small laugh before you nod your head.

"Well, kiddo, here is my advice. If a person really loves you and values you he'll make time for you and he'll remember things that are impotent like your birthday. If you think this boy really loves you then he'll call or text or whatever else the kids do this day." says Mr.Wilbur

"Thanks, Mr.Wilbur. That's good advice." You say

You head out of his room after a small morning check up thinking about what he said. Do you think Dylan values you? Yes, you do. Maybe you are just over reacting.

He'll call. You think

You head home to your apartment after work still wearing your burgundy scrubs.

You sit down on your couch responding to birthday messages from your friends and your family. Still no text from Dylan causing you to let out a sigh.

He will call. He'll call. You think trying to calm your nervous

Your mom calls you so the next hour you are preoccupied with that and then you fall asleep exhausted from work.

You are woken up around ten from your doorbell ringing. You get up with a groan heading to the front door.

Who could it be? You think confused

You open the door to reveal a smiling Dylan O'Brien

"Hey, babe." says a happy sounding Dylan before he wraps his arms around your waist pulling you into a hug

"Hey." You say with a grin

I guess he didn't forget. You think feeling instantly better

"I'm sorry, I haven't called you recently. I have been busy." says Dylan

"It's okay." You say pulling away

You grab his hand and pull him into the kitchen.

"You want to have some cake?" You ask referring to the chocolate cake your friend had brought you yesterday as an early birthday present

"Of course." answers Dylan with a grin

"So why did she get you a cake?" asks Dylan confused while he eats his cake after you told him that your friend got you it

Your smile drops from your face as your mood instantly drops.

I guess he didn't remember. You think disappointed

"It's my birthday today, Dylan. We talked about it a two weeks ago." You say softly

"I-I'm sorry, I just must have forgotten." says Dylan feeling bad

"How-how about tomorrow I buy you dinner to make up for it?" asks Dylan

You sit there silent for a second thinking things over. It wasn't just that he forgot your birthday. It was more of a realization of what has been happening lately. Dylan is just too busy to have a girlfriend right now.

"Dylan...I think-I think we should break up." You say

"W-what?" questions Dylan shocked

"Dylan, we barely talk to each other anymore. When you do call me, we only get to talk to each other for five minutes and then you have to go. Then we go half a week without talking to each other. I-I just don't think this relationship is working." You explain softly feeling quite sad but you know it's for the best

"I'm..I really like you Y/N, I don't want to break up." says Dylan taking your hand in his

"I really like you too, Dyl...but I think it's for the best." You say trying to hold in tears

Dylan nods silently agreeing with you as he looks down. He knew it. Dylan knew that he was too busy and could barely talk to you anymore. Dylan knew your relationship was sort of falling apart.

"Can-can we at least still be friends?" asks Dylan

"Yeah, I would like that." You answer with a smile

Maybe Dylan and you weren't cut out for a relationship or at least for right now, but maybe there is something in the future for the two of you. But right now the two of you are just friends and that's okay.


If you guys could bring back one tv show that was canceled which would it be? I would have to say Teen Wolf

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