Matt Donovan X The Winchester

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You smile as you walk down the streets of Mystic Falls. You're Caroline Forbes's sister, you're human though. And today was a good at least so far it is. You are on fall break so you didn't have to worry about studying for tests at Whitmore college or getting ready for a party with your sister. Your vervain bracelet was on your wrists so you didn't have to worry about being compiled by any vampires. The town seems somewhat normal at the moment so yes today is a good day. You continue to walk down the street heading towards the Grill so you can visit one of your best friends, Matt Donovan until two guys stop you.

"Hello there, sorry to bother you but would you mind showing us where the Grill is? My brother and I are from out of town and we heard the Grill had the best food in town." says a very tall brown haired guy while the guy standing next to him, who you now assume is his brother, not very subtly checks you out

"Sure, I'm heading there anyways so it would be no trouble." You say smiling

"I'm Sam Winchester and this is Dean." says Sam as you are now sandwiched between the two boys

"I'm Y/N Forbes, it's nice to meet you two, we don't get a lot of visitors here." You say as you run your bracelet over Dean's hand making sure the vervain side smooths over it

Dean smirks at this sending you a wink thinking you are flirting with him.

He didn't even flinch so he's not a vampire. Hopefully, if he isn't then his brother isn't. You think as you head towards the Grill with them

"Why don't you all get a lot of visitors?" asks Sam looking confused

"We have a lot of freak animal accidents here." You answer

"Well here's the Grill." You say as you head inside the Grill with the two men following

"Y/N." says Matt waltzing over to you, a big smile on his face

"Matty." You say happily as you pull the blue-eyed boy into a hug

"Missed you." He whispers

"Missed you too." You say back smiling

You pull apart and remember the two guys you walked in here with as Matt eyes them.

"Oh, this is Sam and Dean. They are visitors." You say

"Matt." says Matt holding out his hand for the brother's to shake

They both shake his hand and say nice to meet you too Matt before they head off to the bar. You promise to join them and for Matt to make them a drink after you talk to Matt about something.

"Vampires?" questions Matt as you two watch them head to the bar

"Dean isn't. I haven't gotten a chance to test Sam." You answer

Maybe you two were a little paranoid but this is Mystic Falls. After the Mikaelson, you two try to test any out of Townes you can.

"I'll put vervain in his drink." says Matt nodding

You head to the bar seats as Matt heads to get some vervain from the back.

"So we were planning on going hunting so...what kind of animals are attacking that need to look out for?" asks Dean

", I'm not really sure, I think it's normally a different kind every time." you answer

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