Admiration-Sebastian Symthe

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Sebastian couldn't help but stare at the beautiful girl that's about 4 or so seats in front of him at the Lima Bean Cafe smirking slightly. Her long Y/H/C hair is currently tucked behind her ears in a desparate admit to keep it away from getting in her beautiful Y/E/C eyes. He knew a few things about the gorgeous girl. She's Rachel Berry's sister who helps picks out all the songs for their little loser club. She's quite shy and quiet. Exactly Sebastian's type. Sebastian likes the more quiet, shy, and sweet ones. He feels they complement his more out there, douchebag personality. He smirks slightly as he grabs his coffee before strutting over to your table.

"Hello." He says while smirking; sitting down across from you at your table

"Um....hi." You speak softly looking up from your history notes you were studying for a upcoming test

You know exactly who is seated across from you. Sebastian Symthe, the leader of the Warblers and New Directioner's biggest enemy. He's apparently very rude and a total jerk. You have never met the boy but Blaine told you that he is very good looking and he was not lying. The boy is very handsome but his personality is very ugly though.

"You know, you are a lot prettier than Rachel. You should be on stage not her." says Sebastian looking you over biting his lips as he does

"Um...thank I guess." You say not really knowing how to react to that

Discomfort very evident on your face.

"You're adorable." says Sebastian slightly chuckling at your awkwardness as he places his hand over yours on the table

You blush slightly from the comment. Even though you know you probably should be walking away from him instead of sitting here with him. He is the enemy after all and your sister would kill you if she knew you were being civil with the Warbler. But there was something about his hand on yours that felt so right.

"So...what do you want?" You question a little nervously hoping he wasn't planning on slushing you or throwing his coffee on you

"I want to go on a date with you." He answers the smirk still very present on his face

"Yeah...I don't think I can do that." You say softly

"And why is that?" He asks noticing that wasn't a 'no I hate you' for an answer

"Because my sister would kill me and you are the enemy." You say standing up gathering your things

"You will be mine, sweetheart." declares Sebastian smiling

"I don't think that will happen." You say before scurrying off ready to get away from the smirking, very tempting, devil in disguise

She will be mine. Thinks Sebastian smirking already planning on how to get you to go on a date with him

You walk into the glee room thinking of songs to go with your guy's theme when you notice everyone freaking out.

"What's wrong?" You ask confused

"The trophy! It's gone." says Rachel, your sister, freaking out

"What?" You ask shocked that someone stole the trophy

"Someone stole it!" says Rachel

"The Warbler's took it." says Kurt as he looks at Blaine's phone that Blaine is holding

"You think?" says Rachel sarcastically

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