Best Christmas Ever-Sam Winchester

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Sam Winchester grins as he watches you peacefully sleep. Your soft y/h/c colored hair in a mess and a little bit of drool coming out of your mouth, but Sam never less found you captivating. You just looked so peaceful that it made Sam smile. Quietly he slips out of bed and heads to the kitchen to find his brother already drinking. The boys currently residing at your place.

"Sammy, I found a new case. Massachusetts to be exact seems like-" starts Dean

"Dean, really, it's Christmas in a few days." interrupts Sam

"So? It's not like we celebrate it anyway." says Dean

"Yeah, but Y/N-" starts Sam

"Sammy, I promise you'll get back in time for Christmas so you get your Christmas lay." says Dean and instantly Sam blushes

He starts to reply when a sleepy you appears wearing one of Sam's sweatshirts.

"You guys want a pancake because I'm going to make myself some." You say as you head towards the stove

"No, we actually have to get on the road." says Dean

"You guys going on another hunt?" You question while trying to hide your slight disappoint

You were sort of hoping Sam and Dean would take a break from hunting until Christmas was over. But you know how important hunting is to both of the boys so you are going to sallow your disappointment and pretend to not care. Then after they leave, you will probably eat a bunch of ice cream.

At least now I'll get some time to go Christmas shopping now. You think

"Yeah, but we'll be back before Christmas I promise." says Sam placing his hands on your waist as he looks into your eyes

"If not, we can just celebrate the day you get back." You say giving him a reassuring smile

10 minutes later, you stand outside your house with the boys.

"Don't do anything stupid." You say giving each of the boys a pointed look

"Your girlfriend's hot when she's giving out orders." whispers Dean to Sam

Sam instantly rolls his eyes.

"Don't die. If you die then I guess I will have made the pie I'm planning on baking for nothing." You say as you hug Dean

"Pie? Sam, we will definitely be home for Christmas." says Dean as you two pull apart

You laugh at his comment before you pull Sam into a hug with a smile.

"Be safe, please." You whisper as you hug him tightly

"I'll be back, I promise." says Sammy as he clings to you tightly

"Ugh, I hate chick flick moments." You both hear Dean says making you laugh

You pull away to look into Sam's beautiful eyes. You smile before you lean up and kiss his lips lovingly.

"I love you." says Sam as you two pull apart, your foreheads leaned against one another's

"I love you too." Your say with a grin but before either one of you could do or say anything a horn honking ruined the moment

"You should go."You say as Sam and you pull apart

"I'll be back for Christmas I promise." says Sam as he walks away you

You nod unsure if the promise was one he would keep. You wave bye as the boys drive off.

You head back inside your empty house with a small sad sigh.

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