Sister Sister Part 3

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Okay so maybe Scott was wrong about the whole you will be fine part. You wouldn't leave your room often and you barely talked anymore to ashamed about your actions while your humanity was off.

"Please take this up to your sister." says Melissa handing Scott a blood bag

"See if you can get her to come out or at least see if you can get a conversation out of her." says Melissa with a desperate look in her eyes

"Sure mom." says Scott with a small sad smile as he takes the bag from her hands

Melissa gives him a quick nod before Scott heads up the stair heading towards your room.

"Y/N?" calls Scott after he knocks on your door

Scott heads inside after a few seconds of waiting for a reply.

"Y/N, mom brought you home a blood bag, thought you might be hungry." says Scott softly as he stares at you watching you stare at the ceiling

Your cheeks tear-stained and your eyes full of regret along with sadness.

"I'm not hungry." You say softly as images of all the horrible things you did rush through your mind

"Y/N you need to eat." says Scott as he sits down on your bed

"I-I-I can't. I can't turn into a monster again." You say as tears flow down your face

"Y/N that wasn't you. You had your humanity off." says Scott

"I killed all those people I killed them all every one of them." You say as you sob

"You-you weren't you. You wouldn't do that now. You aren't a monster Y/N. You are my sister I know you and I know you would never kill anyone." says Scott as he pulls you into a tight hug

"I love you and nobody blames you." says Scott as you sniffle

"I love you too and I'm sorry for all the horrible things I said." You say

"I know, I forgive you." says Scott as he tightens his grip on you trying to provide comfort to you and it works

You feel safe and loved in the arms of your brother like everything is going to be okay.

"I just...I just wanna know why you did it?" asks Scott a few minutes later

"It was a combination of things. When you become a vampire everything is heightened including your emotions. So when Allison died, it hurts so bad. I-I also was struggling with the hunger. I was just hungry all the time and it was too hard to control." You answer

"I just wish that night never happened." You add softly

"Me too." says Scott softly

~Back to Junior Year~

You walked home in the dark slightly cursing at your self for falling asleep at the library while trying to study.

I should have called Lydia to pick me up. You thought

You knew about the things that go bump in the night like werewolves and kanimas then so you knew about the dangers of being out late at night.

At least it's not a full moon tonight. You thought as you looked up at the crescent moon

You snapped your head to behind you when you heard footsteps, but instead of finding anything you see a raccoon.

You are just being paranoid. You thought shaking your head

You look straight ahead and jump when you find a dark-haired man standing in front. Before you could do or say anything the man grabbed you.

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