Theo Raeken (Requested)

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Requested by @Kayalee1224

Ciara runs swiftly trying to outrun Monroe in the halls of Beacon Hills High School.

"Stop running! We're going to get you there's no point in trying to escape!" yells Monroe as Ciara desperately tries to escape Monroe and her minions

Lydia was right I should have just told Theo how I felt. Because now it doesn't matter if he likes me back. Monroe is going to kill me! Thinks Ciara

~This Morning~

"Just tell him, Ciara. You're driving me crazy talking about him all the time." says Lydia as Ciara sits next to her at lunch looking at Theo who is talking with Scott.

Ciara blushing slightly.

"But what if he doesn't like me back?" asks Ciara nervously causing Lydia to roll her eyes

"Then I will hook you up with some random guy to be your rebound." answers Lydia

Ciara looks over at Theo biting her lip nervously. She holds in a sigh of relief as she sees Theo leaving.

"Too late. I guess I'll have to tell him later." Ciara says turning back to Lydia nerves disappearing

Lydia rolls her eyes at this.

~Back to current time~

"Why are you doing this? I'm human." says Ciara as two guards grab her arms holding her still

Monroe smirks as she walks forward to be right in Ciara's face.

"Because you're important to him. To get to him we need you." says Monroe as if it was obvious

"Important to who?" questions Ciara confused

"To Theo Raeken, he is in love with." answers Monroe as if it was obvious but Ciara's eyes widen at this before she is knocked out

The next day, Theo searches the school for Ciara deciding today was the day. He is going to tell Ciara how he feels about her. So the high school drop out snuck into Beacon Hills High School for the second time this week.

"Lydia." says Theo rushing up to her

"Do you know where Ciara is?" asks Theo

"No....I haven't. She probably decided to skip first period." says Lydia shrugging it off

"Okay." says Theo a bit disappointed that Ciara isn't here

"I'll see you later." says Theo heading out of Beacon Hills High School

Theo sighs as he hops into his truck. That's when he gets a text message. Theo groans as he pulls his phone out expecting it to be an annoying text from Scott or Liam. His eyes widen as he looks at what he received. There was a picture of a wide-eyed scared, tied up and gagged Ciara.

If you ever want to see your precious Ciara you better come and get here lover boy. Reads the actual message

Theo growls as his eyes glow yellow.

"I'm going to kill her." growls Theo

"The picture is sent all we have to do now is wait for him to show." smirks Monroe as she takes the gag out of Ciara's mouth

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