Remember-Barry Allen

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Cisco and Iris stare at you worried as you look at them confused to who they.

"Who are you again?" You ask as you sit in chair

Cisco and Iris look at each with a worried look worried as they stand in front of you.

Last night you must have gotten attacked by someone. You couldn't remember if you did or  who it fact you can't remind anything. You had no clue where you are and who this people in front of you are.

"Where I am?" You ask then your boyfriend,Barry Allen, walks into the room smiling oblivious to this all

You look at the new person confused as too who he is also. Cisco and Iris look at Barry worried and scared not wanting to tell him the news.

Who are these people? You think very confused

"Why do you two look like you just saw a ghost?" chuckles Barry as he makes his way over to you

He leans down to kiss your forehead. He stops when you move away from him.

"What's wrong babe?" He ask nervously

He couldn't think of anything he did wrong. Immediately he starts to think of anything that would cause you not to let him kiss you.

Did we have a date planned last night that I forgot about? He thinks worried

"Who is he?" You ask pointing to Barry

He chuckles thinking you would just joking around. Until he notices confusions in your eyes and a very nervous Cisco and Iris.

"What's going on? Why doesn't she remember me?" questions Barry

" tell him." says Cisco causing Iris to let out a annoyed sigh

"Somebody must have attacked Y/N and now she doesn't remember anything." explains Iris breaking Barry's heart

"What?" He chokes out after a few minutes

As you just look at all of them confused.

"Y/N has amnesia." says Iris

"But she'll get her memories back.....right? This is just a temporary thing right?" asks Barry even though he knew that wasn't the case

You look at them curiously wanting to know as well.

"Maybe...maybe not. Amnesia's different in every case. She could get it back today, tomorrow, next year, or never." answers Cisco

Barry knew that would be the answer but part of him thought maybe just maybe the answer could be different. While you just let out a sigh  you wanted to remember. It's too confusing to not know.

"How did this happen?" asks Barry letting out a sigh

"We don't know. She can't remember." answers Cisco

"So what are going to do with Y/N? We can't let out on the streets not remembering anything." says Barry

"You have to watch her. She's your girlfriend." says Iris

"I'm his girlfriend? Who is he again?" You ask confused

Barry feels his heartbreak again at those words. You obviously didn't mean to hurt Barry but you were curious.

Barry sits across from you at some random restaurant. He felt awkward, it was like your guys' first date again. He was a mess that day. He chuckles at the memories of you two together

"What's so funny?" You ask looking at your menu confused

"Just thinking about our first date." He answers

"Oh." You say a bit upset you can't remember it

Barry notices this and tries to change the subject.

"So....what are you getting?" Barry asks

"I,um, was thinking pancakes? Maybe? I know really remember what anything tastes like or what I liked." You answer frustrated with this all

"You like pancake." Barry confirms

"Then I guess I'll get those." You say softly

Then an awkward silence sets over you both; neither of you really knowing what to say.

"I'm sorry, I don't remember you." You softly say

"It''s not your fault." says Barry softly

"I know but I still feel bad. I really really want to remember you...and everyone else. I just want you to know I'm trying really hard to remember." You say feelings horrible you can't remember him or anyone else

Then a great idea pops into Barry's head.

"How about after this we go to some places you and me loved to go? Maybe it can help you remember." offers Barry nervous you would say no

"I would really like that." You say smiling making Barry smile

You stand next to Barry who seems nervous as you walk in a park.

"So why is this the place you decided to show me first?" You ask confused

He looks over at you smiling at you a little.

" where I proposed to you." He explains

"What?" You asks sort of shocked

Sure they told you Barry was your boyfriend but you didn't expect to be engaged to him.

"I proposed to you yesterday actually." Barry admits softly

He then chuckles softly as he remembers it.

"There's a bridge right up there." He says pouting to the brown bridge they neared

You nod signaling for him to go as you notice his hesitation to go on the bridge.

"It's where we first meet. I ran into you like the clumsy guy I am. I stood in the same spot to propose to you yesterday. And I was so nervous because I thought you might say no. Even though I knew you loved me. I just scared. You showed up as I was on one knee. You walked up to me shocked your hands flew to your mouth instantly as you gasped. I told you I loved and that I would love if you would married me. I ask if you would become Mrs.Allen. You say yes and I was so excited because the love of my life just said we wants to marry me." Barry says smiling as you guys stand on the bridge together

You try to remember you desperately wanting to remember this memory. You wanted to remember not only for yourself but also for Barry. You could tell he loves you and that it pains him you don't remember him. You rack your brain trying to remember even the slightest second of Barry's proposal here.

"Why can't I just remember?" You ask very frustrated as a few angry tears fall down your face

Barry looks at you before pulling you into a tight hug. Even though you don't remember him, he remembers everything and you are still the girl he loves.

"You'll remember eventually I know you will. We...we just have to wait. Everything will be okay." Barren says

You nod as you rest your head on his chest.

I just want to remember.


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