Exactly what he wanted Part2

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Hunter smiles as he spots you from across backstage at Sectionals. He watches as you blow him a kiss as you wink at him making him slightly chuckle.

You and he have been going out for a few months now. Things had been going amazing so far. He found out a what Sebastian meant when he said you were a bit mischievous a few weeks into the relationship. When you called him one day around midnight to go skinny dip. He will admit though that was a good night. He enjoyed it very much and you did as well.

He blows you a kiss back in return making you smile before you turn back to your group. He smiles softly as he thinks of how well Hunter and you went together. Even though you could be a bit sassy, you could also be quite sweet. Something Hunter isn't unless it's you. He always made sure to be nice to me because you deserve someone who is. The warblers are thankful that Hunter found you because he is a lot less of a jerk now that he is with you. He's very into you and you are very much into him.

"I still can't believe you are dating the captain of the Warbler's." says Santana

"I really like him." You admit blushing and smiling as you think of Hunter

"You got it bad." points out Kurt

"Y/N, can I talk to you?" asks Finn placing his hand on your shoulder

"Sure." You say curious to what Finn has to tell you

He nods before he guides you away from the others.

"I need to tell you something about Hunter." says Finn looking worried

"Okay....what is it?" You ask slightly concerned by how worried Finn looks

He lets out a nervous sigh looking around first before turning back to you.

"The day before Andrew broke up with you, Hunter was seen talking with him." says Finn

"What are you insinuating?" You ask confused

"I'm just saying that isn't it a little weird that the day before Andrew broke up with you, Hunter was talking to him. Not to mention before that day you guys were totally fine. I'm just saying the time is a bit weird." says Finn before leaving you to think

The more you think about it the more you start to think Finn might be onto something. The timing was a bit suspicious. Andrew and you were doing great from what you saw at least. And you knew for a fact Hunter was there that day since he talked to you in the hallway. You wanted to ask Hunter about it but you had no real proof. That's when you figure out you would have to go the one person who knows exactly what Hunter said that.

"Tyler, can I talk to you?" You ask Tyler, a friend of yours on the football team, before first period the next day at school at his locker

"Of course, Y/N. What's up?" says Tyler

"Finn told me he saw Hunter talking to Andrew before practice a few months back. Do you know what they were talking about?" You say making Tyler sigh

"I didn't. All I saw was Hunter handing Andrew a stack of money." says Tyler

"Oh okay, thanks. I'll see you later." You say before walking away; your mind swirling with possibilities

Did Hunter pay Andrew to break up with me? You think curiously

You sit next to Hunter on your couch, his arm wrapped around your shoulders. You bite your thinks as you think about earlier at school. It was driving you crazy that you didn't know if Hunter paid Andrew off or not.

You like Hunter a lot, like a lot but you didn't know how you would feel if he really did pay Andrew to break up with you. Of course, you think you would be angry, Hunter had no right to do that. Just because he likes you doesn't mean he can get your boyfriend to leave you.

"Okay, what's up?" asks Hunter pausing the movie turning to look at you

"Huh, nothing." You answer quickly as you look up at Hunter, biting the inside of your cheek

Hunter rolls his eyes at your answer obviously see right through.

"Babe, I know you and I know you well enough to know when something's bothering you. So just tell me what's wrong." says Hunter looking own at you, concern swirling in his green eyes.

"I....it's just something Finn said." You explain softly

"Did he say something rude to you? Do I need to kick his ass?" questions Hunter, a little anger in his eyes obviously at the thought of Finn being rude to you

"No, no, it's not anything like that." You answer

"Did he take away your duet for the next competition? Because if he gave it to Rachel, he's an idiot." asks Hunter

"No." You answer causing a confused look to appear on Hunter's face

"Then what's it?" asks Hunter

"It's just.....Finn told me about something he saw you do." You answer, your nerves high

"Okay...what did Finn say he saw?" asks Hunter confused

"It's just sort of.....he said he saw you and Andrew talking the day before he broke up with me. And I know you were there so it's not crazy.......and he thinks you paid Andrew to break up with me." You answer

Hunter's face goes blank as he obviously tries to hide his emotions. Trying to stay neutral so he doesn't give anything away.

"You didn't do that right?" You question trying to figure if it he did it

"Yes....but hear me out Y/N, it's not like it seems." says Hunter nervously

"Get out." You say anger and sadness bubbling up

You couldn't believe the guy you were dating, that you really liked, that you thought was really sweet turned out to be the asshole everyone said he was. Next time you guess you'll listen to them. Maybe it will save you the heartache next time.

Hunter walks out of your house sadness engulfing him as he does. He lost you, the one person he really cared about. I guess Hunter Carlington doesn't always get what he wants after all.


Sucks there is no Riverdale tomorrow but what doesn't suck is xscintillia Mult-Fandom imagines book. It is really really good.

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