New Year's Eve-Stefan Salvatore

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"Are you going to the party at boarding house tonight?" asks Elena as her, Caroline, Bonnie and you sit at a booth in The Grill on New Year's Eve

"I don't think that's a good idea." You say

"Why not?" questions Bonnie

"Because Tyler is probably going to be there." You answer biting your lip

Tyler and you were together until he broke up with you about a week ago. You didn't really want to see him at the party where he will probably be with Liv or whatever her name is that he cheated on you with. So basically you aren't really up to see your cheating dick of an ex boyfriend.

"Y/N, you shouldn't let him ruin your night." advices Bonnie

"Yeah, come. We can have fun and maybe you can even find a guy to make that douchebag jealous." says Caroline

"I don't know guys..." You say hesitantly

"Come on, Y/N, it won't be as fun if you won't go." says Elena

"Plus Tyler probably isn't even going to come and you shouldn't let him ruin your New Year's Eve." says Bonnie

"Fine, I'll go." You say making your friends let out sounds of excitement

"You finally going to make a move on Y/N, brother?" asks Damon as Stefan and him decorate the house for the party

"I don't know Damon." sighs out Stefan annoyed with his brother's constant pestering

"Dude, tonight is the perfect time." says Damon

"Y/N and Tyler just broke up." comments Stefan as he sets out some red cups

"So? That makes it even better. She's upset and you can be the one to comfort her show how much of a good guy you are and then she'll be all over you." says Damon

"This is gonna be great." says Elena as the three of you get ready, Caroline decided to head over the Salvatore's early to make sure the two set up a good party

"More like amazing." says Bonnie

"Yeah....totally." You say still not sure about tonight

"So you gonna ask Y/N to be your New Years kiss?" asks Caroline wiggling her brows

Her question makes Stefan groan.

"Not you too." groans Stefan

"Stefan. You need to tell Y/N. You guys deserve to be together." says Caroline

"You don't know even know if she even has those kinds of feelings for me." says Stefan

"I also don't know that she doesn't." says Caroline making Stefan sigh

Elena, Bonnie, and you pull up to the party with all of you looking fabulous.

"This is going to be great." squeals Elena

"How much did you drink at the pregame?" You question laughing as Elena stumbles up the driveway

"A lot." giggles out Elena as the three of you head towards the front door

"I can't believe she is drunk already." says Bonnie

"Me either." You reply as your trio makes it to the front door

The door is immediately swung open by Damon.

"There's my favorite girl." says Damon with a smirk as he looks at the three of you

Elena and Damon immediately leave Bonnie and you as you walk inside the party.

"No sign of Tyler." says Bonnie noticing that you were scanning the crowd

"Let's dance." says Bonnie hoping that would take your mind off of Tyler

You give her a grateful smile before you head to the dance floor with Bonnie.

Stefan sips on his glass of bourbon as he watching you dance with Bonnie.

She looks so stunning. Thinks Stefan

"Are you really going to just stand here and stare at her all night?" questions Caroline joining Stefan's side

"Don't you have a certain blue eyed bartender to dance with?" questions Stefan

"Yes I do, and I promise I'll leave you alone the rest of the night but if I found it you didn't kiss Y/N at midnight, you are going to get it." says Caroline and before the vampire can get out another word Caroline has disappeared

How does she do that? Thinks Stefan confused

Suddenly the front door opens and seems as if time has slowed. In walks in Tyler and Liv hand in hand. You spot them and instantly feel like throwing up. Stefan also spots them and feels like punching the dark-haired boy in the face.

Who invited them? Thinks Stefan as Tyler greets some people

"I think I'm going to get something to drink." You say to Bonnie as Tyler and Liv make their way to the dance floor

They are way to close for your liking. Bonnie nods and gives you sympathetic look before you take off.

You head to where the beer is deciding you needed a beer.

You gulp down half of a cup of beer before Stefan joins your side.

"You okay?" asks Stefan confused

"Fine." You say roughly

"You want me to punch him in the face?" questions Stefan hoping to uplift your spirits

You laugh at Stefan's question which makes him softly smile.

"No thanks, Stef, but thanks for caring." You answer smiling up at the boy

"No problem, you want to dance now?" questions Stefan holding his hand out for you

Suddenly you don't care about Tyler and Liv in-fact you aren't even thinking about them even more.

"Sure." You answer taking Stefan's hand making his smile grow as the two of you make your way to the dance floor

Stefan and you dance the next hour or so when until the count down to New Year's starts.

"30" cheers the crowd

You stare into Stefan's eyes as he sees into your eyes.

"Would....would you want to be my New Year's kiss?" questions Stefan, a bit nervously

"I would love to." You answer smiling as the crowd cheers 10

"8." The crowd cheers as Stefan places his hands on your waist pulling you closer

"6." The crowd cheers as you place your hands on Stefan's chest

"4." The crowd cheers as Stefan leans down

"2." the crowd cheers as you lean up

"0. Happy New Year's!" cheers the crowd when Stefan and yours lips connect

Instantly see you millions of fireworks.

Best New Year's Ever. Thinks Stefan as he smiles into the kiss

You smile into the kiss thinking that kiss was better than any kiss you have ever had with Tyler.

Best kiss ever. You think happy to be with Stefan on New Year's.


Happy New Year's Eve!

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