Funeral-Barry Allen

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   Y/m/n=your mother's name

   Barry Allen sped through the city searching everywhere for you. Though he was trying it didn't seem as if it was fast enough. Barry needed to find you as your fate rests in the hands of a crazy metahuman.

I have to find her. Thought Barry Allen, who is your amazing boyfriend of two years

I need to find her. Thought Barry as he searched yet another abandoned warehouse in the city

"Cisco, found anything?" questioned Barry to Cisco though his headset

"Nothing yet." answered Cisco as he tries everything to find you

His answer causing Barry to sigh as panic sets in.

What if I get there too late? Though Barry scared

"Wait, I found something. There is movement in a warehouse near the city line." said Cisco

"Thank you." breathed out Barry before he zoomed there hoping that he wasn't too late

Barry zooms into the warehouse and looks around for you.

"Y/N?" He called out silently begging for a response from you

"Barry." You called back softly and Barry could sense the pain in your voice

"I'm coming Y/N." said Barry before he sped to where your voice was coming from

He arrived to you only to find you tied up in a chair with the metahuman using his powers to strangle you from a distance.

"Let her go." demanded Barry

"Now where is the fun in that?" said the metahuman with a grin

What happened next broke Barry Allen's heart into millions of micro pieces.

Barry Allen raced forward and as he did the metahuman flicked his wrist, snapping your neck. Barry didn't notice at first too busy speeding the metahuman back to star labs. When he returns that's when Barry notices you aren't breathing.

"Y/N!" He said zooming to you

He quickly untied you and pulled you into a tight embrace.

"Y/N, Y/N, please." whimpered our Barry not really knowing what he was hoping would happen

Barry was a man of science and he knew that you wouldn't just wake up after your neck snapped. Barry just hoped that somehow you would. He couldn't believe he had lost you in that moment.

"She is gone. She is gone forever." muttered Barry as sobs raked his body while he cradled you

Since your death, Cisco nor Caitlin have seen much of Barry, they are starting to grow.

"Maybe we should go check on him." suggests Cisco

"Joe said Barry wouldn't answer the door for him." says Caitlin making Cisco

"We should at least try." says Cisco and Caitlin nods agreeing with him

Barry sits in on his couch eying the picture of the two of you together. His cheeks are tears stained and his eyes are bloodshot from non-stop crying also from no sleep. Every time he did fall asleep he got dreams of you and he could immediately wake up sobbing. Now Barry just tries to stay away, the dreams being too much for him to handle right now.

The last dream was especially haunting.

You stood across the room from Barry with a huge grin plastered on your beautiful face.

"Hello, Barry." You said

"Y/N?" said Barry shocked

"Y/N." Barry said as tears came to his eyes before he zoomed to you

"I'm so sorry. I didn't-I-I didn't expect him to kill you or I wouldn't have zoomed to him. I'm so sorry. I love you." said Barry as he gripped on to you

"I know Barry and I love-" You started but then you go limp in Barry's arms before you disappeared.

"Y/N, Y/N." yelled Barry before he woke up

The dream was so vivid it was like it real. Of course that could never but it still made Barry cry after he awoke.

I miss you. Thinks Barry sadly as he stares at the picture of the two of you together

"Barry! It's Cisco and Caitlin!" says Caitlin loudly as she nods on Barry's apartment door

"I brought Star Wars!" calls out Cisco hoping that might persuade the dark haired boy to open the door

But their attempts are only met by silence.

"Dude, let us in. At least say something so we know you are alive." says Cisco but again no sound is heard yet again

Cisco and Caitlin both let out a sigh. They know Barry has to be in there since he didn't go to work nor did he go to the lab.

"Barry, at least come to the funeral for Y/N tomorrow. She would want you to be there." says Caitlin before Cisco and her decide to leave

A tear runs down Barry'a face and falls onto the picture.

I failed you. Thinks Barry as he stares at your face in the picture

Everyone stands at your funeral. Your family upfront while the rests gather around. Some are crying, some reminiscing, and some are silent trying to process everything.

Caitlin and Cisco stand next to each other trying to hold in their tears though some have already made there way down their faces.

"Do you think he will come?" asks Cisco quietly to Caitlin

"I don't know." answers Caitlin honestly

Five minutes later, the one and only Barry Allen walks in the door. Expect the normal bright eyes Barry sports are dim. His eyes are red and his cheeks are tear stained along. A few people eye him since he looks awful while  Barry heads to the front were your parents are.

"Barry." You mother says before she pulls the younger man into a hug

Tears start flowing down Barry's face as your mother embraces him.

"I'm sorry." whispers Barry causing your mother to pull back

"Sorry? For what?" questions your mother quite confused

"For not being able to protect her. I-I should have saved her." answers Barry tears falling down his face

"Barry Allen, you listen to me. This in no way it was your fault. You couldn't have possibly saved her and Y/N wouldn't want you to blame yourself. Y/N loved you and she wouldn't want you to blame yourself over her death." says your mother

Somehow hearing your mother say these things  to him made Barry feel better. Maybe because he knew she was right deep down or maybe it was because she is a mother figure for him.

"Thank you, Y/m/n." says Barry giving the woman a smile

Your mother gives Barry a warm smile before their moment is interrupted by your aunt.

Barry walks away heading towards his friends who stand nearby giving him worried looks.

"Are you okay?" asks Caitlin softly as she places a comforting hand on Barry's shoulder

"No, but I will." answers Barry as he lets his two friend embrace him

Somehow Barry Allen knew he would be okay. Maybe not in a week, maybe not in a year, but he would be eventually and he was okay with that. Just knowing one day he would be okay seems to bring him some hope in this dark time.

I'll never forget you, Y/N Y/N, and I will always love you. Forever and always.


Barry Allen is the cutest bean ever. Plus Grant Gustin is amazing.

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