Archie Andrews

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(season 2 episode 1 spoilers ahead  warning⚠️ )

You walk down the hall in your nurses uniform that you had to wear even though you are just a volunteer. As you do, you see a bloody Archie Andrews and his father being wheeled into a surgery room.

"Archie, what happened?" You ask running up to him confused as you take in the boy's panicky state

Archie and you have been friends since you guys were little. You guys aren't as close as Betty and him but you guys are still close friends.

"I was at Pop's with..with my dad and this their came in. He shot him, Y/N." says Archie tears falling down his face

"Oh, my gosh. Archie." You say pulling the red head into a hug

Archie quickly wraps his arms around you holding you tightly almost as if he was scared you would disappear if he let go.

After five minutes of you both just trying to wrap your heads around what just happened to Fred and pulling each other, you pull apart. As you did, you could sense the panic rising in Archie.

"I'm gonna call Betty, she should know. I'll be right back I promise..just-just sit here." You say guiding Archie to one of the waiting room sits

Archie nods a little. You give him a small reassuring smile before you walk away to call Betty.

"Y/N, hey, what's up?" asks Betty

Tears gather in your eyes as what has happened really sinks in.

"Betty." You choke out

Fred was like a second dad to you and he just shot.

"Y/N, what's wrong?" asks Betty worried

"Fred...Fred's been shot. You need to get down to the hospital. Archie needs us all. Call Jug and Veronica." You answer

"Okay, I will. Make sure Archie is okay." says Betty

"I will." You say before the line goes dead

You head back to the waiting room to see Archie with his head in his hands.

"Archie." You say softly as you sit down to him placing a hand on his shoulder

He looks up at you his eyes filled with tears, some now falling down his face. His clothes covered in blood.

"Betty is calling Jug and Ronnie. They should be here soon." You explain softly looking into the scared boy's eyes

He nod softly before he pull you into another hug. You let him hold onto your tightly as he cries knowing the boy needed someone to comfort him.

A little later, Fred is done with surgery but Archie can't see him for another few hours. Since they need to run a few tests and get in him into a room. So Betty and Veronica are trying to persuade Archie to go home take a shower and get clothes for his dad.

"I'm not leaving my dad! He needs to know I'm here and that I love him!" yells Archie

Sighing you places a hand on his shoulder calming him down a little.

"Archie I'll see if I can sneak back there and tell your dad that you're here and that you love him. Go with Veronica and get cleaned up and get some clothes for him." You say softly

Thinking that if Archie would want to take anyone with him it would be Veronica.

"I'll go but only if you come with me." says Archie shocking pretty much everyone in the room

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