Only One-Kai Parker

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Kai and Y/N the two rebel witches. Though Kai was a siphoner, it didn't matter to you. You treated him like a witch mainly because you saw him as one. That was a big reason Kai befriended you then eventually fell for you. You made Kai feel like he belonged like he wasn't some freak of nature. Like he mattered. To him, you are the only one for him.

"Kai! Kai!" You yelled as you ran up to him everyone's eyes on you

Most people in the coven tended to stay away from Kai so to see one of the best and brightest of the young witches running towards him was shocking to most people.

"Hey, Y/N." said young six-year-old Kai

"Guess what?" You said with a toothy grin

"What?" asked Kai curiously

"My mom got me a new spell to practice. Come on, I wanna show you." You answered before you grabbed his hand

Kai heard a few people gasp and then eyes on him. He could tell they were watching expecting to see him siphon some magic from you. Kai didn't, he could never siphon any magic from you. You are his only friend and you mean a lot to him, Kai would never do anything to ruin your friendship. You are also the only person Kai lets hug or even really touch him.

You drag Kai inside the coven house and into was one of the room intended for magic practice. You shut the door as you let go of Kai's hand.

"You ready?" You questioned with a grin as Kai sits down on a bean bag

"Sure." answered Kai with a curious look wanting to see what the new spell is

You grinned as you set everything up.

"Okay, finally, we're ready. This is going to be so awesome!" You said smiling which makes Kai smiles

Seeing you happy never fails to put a smile on the dark-haired boy's face.

You started chanting following along with the book in front of you. Kai's eyes intensely watched you curiously waiting to see what the spell does.

You finished the chant and suddenly a fireball appeared in your left hand.

"Oh my gosh." said Kai as he watched you in awe

"I know! I can't believe I did!" You said as the fire goes out

"I can, you are amazing with magic Y/N." complimented Kai with a smile

"Thanks, Kai." You said with a toothy grin

"Oh, I bought this." You say pulling out one of your mom's necklaces

"Why did you bring me a girl necklace?" questioned Kai as you handed it to him

You giggled at his question.

"No silly, I brought you it, because I put a spell on it and was thinking you could siphon the magic out of it then you could try the spell." You explained

"Really? You did this for me." said Kai shocked and you nodded with hope Kai would like

"Thank you, Y/N." Kai said smiling largely before he siphoned the magic out of the necklace

"Did it work?" You asked and Kai nodded feeling the magic course through him

"Yes." answered Kai

"Great then we can get started." You said then the two of you spent the rest of the afternoon messing around with spells

Kai always felt good when he was around you. You always seemed to brighten up Kai's life and made it seem less shitty.

"Can I ask you something?" asked Kai as the two of you laid on your backs under a tree looking at the clouds

"You already did." giggled a 10-year-old you causing Kai to roll his eyes

"Why are you my friend?" asked Kai curiously

Kai couldn't figure out why someone like you would want to be friends with some like him. You are the best witch in the coven under 18. You are smart and have plenty of people that want to be friends with you. But you chose to be friends with him and Kai didn't understand that.

"Because I like you." You answered with a shrug

"How can you like an admonition of nature? A freak like me?" questioned Kai making you frown

"You aren't a freak, you are a just different, a good kind of different though." You answered

"Then why can't anyone else see that?" asked Kai softly

"Because they are idiots." You replied before you wrapped your arms around Kai giving him a comforting hug

"You are very special Kai Parker. I couldn't imagine having a better best friend." You said as Kai hugged you back loving the feeling of your arms around him

"Me either, Y/N. I couldn't wish for a better best friend." says Kai softly smiling

Those were moments that though Kai let his feelings show, he didn't feel uncomfortable. Maybe because he knew you wouldn't laugh in his face or make fun of whatever he said. Or maybe it was because you are you and Kai always felt safe with you.

Fifteen-year-old Kai and you walked together heading back from the movies where the two of you recently went on a date at. Kai finally got the nerve to ask you out on a date a few weeks ago and this is your third one.

"I had fun." said Kai as he held your hand

"Me too." You said as you smiled

"I'm really glad you agreed to be my girlfriend, Y/N." said Kai with a grin as he wraps his arms around your waist letting go of your hand

"I'm really glad you asked me." You said as you move your hand to gently caress Kai's face

You then leaned up and pressed your lips to Kai's.

Those were the good moments but sadly good things don't last long for Kai Parker.

Kai Parker was nice to you others not at all really so when he killed his family and then tried to do the merge with Jo, his father decided to add an extra surprise for him. A surprise that broken the Parker boy's heart into millions of tiny little pieces.

"Why? Why isn't it working?" yells Kai angry as he held Jo's hand

"Kai." Kai heard you choke out as if you were being strangled

He quickly then turns around panic coursing through him to find you being held by your throat by his dad.

"Let her go!" yells Kai

"You killed my kids. You deserve to know the feeling of losing everything." says Kai's father rage in his eyes before he pulls out a knife

"No, no, please. Don't! I'll do anything just don't kill her." pleads Kai tears falling down his face

"It's to late for that son." says Kai's father pressing the knife to your throat

"I love you." You say as tears flow down your face

"I love you too." says Kai before his father cuts your head off

Kai drops to his knees sobbing before his coven and his father send him to the prison world.

I got her killed. I killed the one person who loved me. Thinks Kai sadly as he sits alone in the prison world

I really am a monster. He thinks while he cries mourning as the one he loves is now dead


There is a part two just an FYI.

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