KJ Apa (Requested)

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Requested by @VoidDaddario

Shakarie smiles as she stands next to an intern watching KJ Apa do a scene with Cole.

KJ is Shakarie's boyfriend, Shakarie is also from New Zealand and is currently visiting him from there. They haven't seen each other in a while and now that Shakarie was on a break, she finally had time to visit the redhead.

KJ jogs up to Shakarie once he finishes his scene, a large smile set on his face.

"Hey, babe." He says glad Shakarie took up his offer of coming to set

"Hey." Shakarie says before KJ captures her lips in a sweet kiss, his hands placed on Shakarie's waist

"I really really missed you." He says as they pull back KJ's forehead leaning against Shakarie's

"I missed you too." says Shakarie smiling softly, her hands rested on KJ's chest as he smiles largely

KJ starts to go in for another kiss until the director pulls him back by his collar.

"Come on, lover boy, you have a kiss to film. You can kiss your pretty girlfriend later." says the director as he drags KJ away

Shakarie blushes slightly at the director's comment but smiles as KJ waves bye a boyish grin on his face. Shakarie waves back smiling.

"So what's the scene they are filming next?" Shakarie asks the intern next to her

"Oh.....uh, I believe it's the sex scene between Archie and Veronica." says the intern

Shakarie stands there a second not really knowing what to think. Of course, Shakarie knew it was just acting. She knows there is nothing between KJ and Camilia but she still didn't really want to see her boyfriend making out with another girl. Shakarie lets out a happy sigh as another intern offers to take her on a tour of the place. Smiling she accepts the offer and follows the brunette.

KJ finishes the scene before he joins the rest of the cast.

"Hey, KJ, you want to come with us to get dinner?" asks Charlie making KJ smile

"Of course." He answers happily before he leaves with the cast to a nearby restaurant

Shakarie laughs and chats with the intern as they head back to where KJ was filming. She and the intern say bye before the intern heads to the parking lot as her work day is over.

Now, where is KJ? Thinks Shakarie as she looks around for him when a hand is placed on her left shoulder

Shakarie turns around expecting to see KJ but inside finds the director from earlier.

"You looking for KJ?" asks the director

Shakarie nods in response.

"He left a while ago with the others." He says giving you a sympathetic look before he passes by a shocked Shakarie

Did he leave me? He forgot me. I can't believe this! Thinks Shakarie angrily as she walks to her car

I flew all the way here for him to just leave me. Thinks Shakarie as she gets into her car

As Shakarie enters her hotel room, the anger soon disappears and turns into sadness.

What if he didn't forget me? What if he is just embarrassed of me and didn't want to me to meet his cast members? Thinks Shakarie tears falling down her face

While KJ sits at dinner laughing with his friends after Cole tells a funny joke.

"So.....KJ, when do we get to meet Shakarie?" asks Lili smiling

"Oh, my gosh." breathes out KJ in shocked

"I'm screwed, I'm so stupid. I'm dead." says KJ frantically as he stands up

KJ grabs his jacket before he runs out thinking how he could be so stupid.

"What was that?" asks Madelaine confused

KJ runs into some shop and grabs some chocolate and flowers knowing he needs them.

She is probably so angry at me. thinks KJ worriedly

Shakarie sits on her bed now watching the Titanic and eating some room service ice cream while ignoring KJ's calls and text messages.

"Rose stop being so selfish! We all know there is room for Jack!" says Shakarie then she hears a knock on her room door

Shakarie heads to the door opens it expecting to see room service since she had ordered dinner from there but inside finds KJ who is holding chocolate and roses. Shakarie notices he also has a worried look on his face.

He should be worried. thinks Shakarie a bit miffed

Shakarie starts to shut the door but KJ uses his foot to stop the door from shutting.

"Shakarie, I'm so so sorry, I-" starts KJ

"KJ, I can't believe you forgot me...or ditched me, whatever you did. It's not like I invited myself to visit you on set, you invited me! If you didn't want me to meet your friends then why would you invite me?" says Shakarie

"I promise, I didn't ditch you. I...I just forgot. I guess since I'm just not used to you or anyone really being a guest on set, I forgot. I'm so sorry, babe. I really didn't mean to. I want you to meet everyone and they really want to meet you. I'm so sorry." says KJ looking over Shakarie's face worried, fear in his eyes

KJ really wanted this visit to go well since he doesn't get to see Shakarie every day. But it seems as he might have already screwed that idea up. Shakarie sighs as she thinks it over.

She really wants to have a good trip, she doesn't want this fight to go on for the next week when they could be having fun together.

"I know....just never do this again." says Shakarie pulling KJ into a hug

"I won't I promise." says KJ smiling a little as he hugs her back

KJ and Shakarie pull back a little and KJ captures Shakarie's lips in a soft kiss. They pull apart both of them grinning at each other largely.

"Now come on, I want to eat the chocolate you got me and cuddle." says Shakarie dragging KJ inside as he chuckles

"I love you, you know that?" says KJ as he laughs

"Love you too." says Shakarie smiling largely


So excited for the new Riverdale episode! I can't wait!

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