Derek (Requested)

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Requested by @-StilinskiMcCall-

    Shakarie smirks slowly as she walks down the hall. All eyes on her most of them shocked at her overnight transformation. Instead of her being normally really shy and covered with bruises from people bullying her, Shakarie walks down the hall head up and confident. And who does she have to thank for this overnight transformation? Derek Hale, her new Alpha. Shakarie so far loves being a kickass werewolf even though she is quite scared for the full moon. Shakarie heads down the hall looking for Isaac Lahey. Her crush and new pack member. Shakarie has had a crush on the blue-eyed boy since freshmen year but has always has been too scared to approach him. But with her new confident, she decided to finally do it. She's going to finally ask Isaac out. Shakarie heads to Isaac's locker. She's a bit shocked at the sigh she sees. There are Isaac and Erica making out. Embarrassed and upset Shakarie quickly rushes away.

Of course he like Erica now. I mean she is so pretty with her blonde curly hair and pretty brown eyes. Thinks Shakarie sadly; a few tears falling down her face while she heads out of Beacon Hills High School

Shakarie starts to walk home when a black Camaro pulls up beside her.

I don't have the patience to deal with pedos right now. Thinks Shakarie annoyed as the person puts their windows down

"You should be in school." says a familiar voice from the driver's sir of the car

Shakarie looks to see Derek Hale.

"I...I just can't do it today." says Shakarie quietly knowing Derek would still hear her

"Get in." instructs Derek stopping his car

Silently Shakarie walks over to the passenger side and gets in.

"So what's wrong? Are those girls still bothering you?" asks Derek looking over at Shakarie concern

For some reason out of Derek's control really, he has taken a liking to the beautiful brown eyed girl.

"''s not that. I, uh, sort of liked this guy....but I guess he has eyes for someone else." answers Shakarie shrugging sadly

"Well whoever this idiot is, he is an idiot. You're a great girl, Shakarie." says Derek making Shakarie smiling a little

"Thanks, Derek." says Shakarie softly

"You're welcome now how about we go back to my house and eat some ice cream?" suggests Derek mostly just wanting to spend some time alone with Shakarie

"Sure." says Shakarie; her smile widening

It's now two weeks later and Shakarie and Derek have actually become quite close. They hang out a lot and Shakarie actually got Derek to open up about a few things which are more than he normally ever does.

Currently, Shakarie and Derek sit at his loft watching some movie Shakarie wanted. Derek is not actually watching the movie instead his gaze is on Shakarie studying her.

She is so stunning. Thinks Derek looking at Shakarie in awe

Shakarie soon notices his graze.

"Is there something on my face?" asks Shakarie trying to wipe off the nonexistent stain or crumb off of her face

"There's nothing on your face." chuckles Derek taking Shakarie's hand in his to stop her from frantically wiping her face

"Then why were you staring at me?" asks Shakarie confused

"Shakarie....I have feelings for you. I like you, Shakarie." says Derek a little nervous and scared

"I like you too, Derek." admits Shakarie smiling

Grinning Derek leans in and captures Shakarie's lip in a soft kiss.

Two weeks later, Derek and Shakarie are now an item. The pack doesn't know about them not because they are hiding their relationship, just that haven't had the time to tell them. Derek has called a pack meeting to discuss the upcoming full moon. The only weird thing was Isaac and Erica seemed to have an angry look on their faces the whole meeting. Everyone lingered around the loft after the full moon.

"So you and Derek?" questions Erica walking up to Shakarie

"Oh, uh, yeah. did you know?" answers Shakarie blushing a little

"Because his scent is all over you plus he kept smiling at you during the meeting. And Derek never smiles at anyone." says Erica

"Oh...I forgot about the whole scent thing." says Shakarie softly feeling a bit awkward

"So why are you sleeping with him? Trying to be the Alpha's favorite?" questions Erica making Shakarie feel super uncomfortable

"No, it's not-" starts Shakarie until Erica interrupts her

"Why do you think he wants to be with you though? You aren't-" starts Erica until a loud growl cuts her off

"Get out!" Derek growls at Erica

Erica lets out a scared squeak before she heads out of the loft. His eyes glow red as Derek turns to Isaac.

"And you get out too. I heard what you said to Boyd about me and Shakarie." says Derek in a angry voice

Isaac lets scared before he follows Erica out the door.

"I'm going to go too." says Boyd before he shuffles out

Derek instantly heads over to Shakarie and pulls her into a tight hug. He quickly places his head in the crook of Shakarie's neck. Smelling Shakarie's scent trying to calm down.

"I want to rip their throats out." mumbles Derek as he looks up into Shakarie's eyes

"You can't do that, Der." says Shakarie taking Derek's face her hands cradling it as she moves she moves his head to be eye level with her

"I know but I want too." says Derek before kissing Shakarie

"I really really like you, Shakarie." confesses Derek as they pull apart making Shakarie smile

"I really really like you too, Der." says Shakarie making Derek smiling before kissing her again


A scene I wish would have happened in Teen Wolf.

Liam: So what you do you think of Jackson?

Theo: Eh he's not really my type

*Jackson suddenly appears with Ethan*

Jackson *scoffing*: I'm everybody's type

Theo: Not mine. I'm only into guy's named Liam

*Kisses Liam intensely*

Jackson: Damn...I guess I'm not everybody's type *While Liam and Theo walk away holding hands while Jackson looks up set*

*Ethan pats Jackson's shoulder before they walk off together.*

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