Dominic Sherwood (Requested)

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Requested by @-StilinskiMcCall-

Shakarie starts at herself in the mirror. She wore a beautiful yellow gown, but Shakarie was still insecure. She was worried she wouldn't look as good as the other girls there. It was the premiere of the new Shadow Hunters so Shakarie knew there would be a lot of gorgeous women there.

"What do you think?" asks Shakarie stepping out of her boyfriend, Dominic, and she's shared room

"You look beautiful." says Dominic smiling in awe looking her up and down

"Are you sure?" asks Shakarie nervously as she bites her lip

"Yes, baby. You look amazing." says Dominic walking towards his beautiful girlfriend placing his hand on the sides of her waist

"And I'm a very very lucky guy to be attending the premiere with such a beautiful girl." says Dominic knowing Shakarie felt a little insecure but every word he said was also true

"I love you." says Shakarie placing her hands on Dominic's chest

"I love you too." says Dominic smiling before he softly kisses Shakarie

    Shakarie and Dominic stand on the red carpet cameras flashing off everywhere. Shakarie kept a smile on her face enough though all she wanted to do was get inside and be done with the paparazzi at this point. The cameras stop flashing her as Dominic moves away to take a photo with the whole cast.  Shakarie stands off to the side trying to take everything in. Shakarie isn't a celebrity just a normal human being. So she isn't used to the whole red carpets and paparazzi thing. It sort of overwhelmed her at one point. Shakarie looks around until she moves her focus back to Dominic. He stood with the beautiful Katherine Mcnamara. Dominic's hand on her lower way to close to her butt for Shakarie's liking. Shakarie could feel her insecurities rising up again. She couldn't help it. She tried to shake away all the thoughts but she couldn't especially when Dominic pressed a kiss to Katherine's cheek. Shakarie knew most people shipped them together. She got many hate comments about it in fact. Saying that Dominic should be Katherine and not her. How much prettier than she is than her. Dominic always tried to tell Shakarie to ignore them but it was hard how can someone ignore that many comments? Plus it didn't help that magazine also will report how cute Dominic and Katherine would be. Plus the fact the two placed a couple on the show didn't help. He kisses her on a daily basis. Shakarie knew it was just acting but still it wasn't the best thing to see. Plus Shakarie knew how close the two are. Shakarie bites her lips nervously as thoughts swirl in her head.

Does Dominic like Katherine? Does he think she's prettier than me? I mean she so pretty with her beautiful red hair and green eyes. thinks Shakarie

Maybe I should just go. I don't really belong here thinks Shakarie

She lets out a small sigh before she heads to leave when a hand is placed on her shoulder.

"Hey Shakarie." says a smiling Matthew Daddario

"Hi Matt." says Shakarie a smiling forming on her face

Matthew and she quickly became friends after Dominic took her to set for the first time.

"The entrance to the theatre is the other way, Sha." says Matt thinking Shakarie was trying to head to the theatre inside of home

"Oh um yeah...I know, I think I'm just going to go." says Shakarie as she watches Dominic and Katherine head inside together

I guess he forgot about me. thinks Shakarie as Matthew follows Shakarie line of vision

"Shakarie, you have nothing to be worried." says Matt looking into Shakarie pretty brown eyes

"Are you sure?" questions Shakarie softly making Matthew chuckle a little

"Trust me, you have nothing to worry about. Dominic never shuts up about you. The director was about to kill him yesterday because he was late to set because he was bragging about how amazing you are to our new intern." says Matthew making Shakarie smile and laugh a little imagine Dominic bragging about her to some random intern

"He really did that?" says Shakarie

"Yeah, he talks about you non stop. It gets a bit annoying. So come on, we have a premiere to get to." says Matthew holding his arm out for Shakarie to take

"Thank you, Matt." says Shakarie smiling as she loops her arm with Matthew's

"No problem." says Matthew smiling down at Shakarie before guiding her inside

"Dude, have you need to talk to your girlfriend, you haven't talked to her since we left the theatre." says Matthew walking up to Dominic at the after party

"I know I just got busy...did she say something about this to you?" asks Dominic

"Sort of. I think she just needs you with her right now." answers Matthew

"Okay." says Dominic looking at him confused before he heads over to where Shakarie is

"Hey, beautiful." says Dominic placing an arm around Shakarie's waist

"Hey." says Shakarie looking at Dominic a small smile on her face

"I'm sorry I haven't seen you since we finished watching the episodes." apologizes Dominic

"It's okay. Tonight's a big night, I'm sure you just got busy." says Shakarie softly making Dominic shake his head

"No, it's not. I should have come over her sooner. Plus I missed you a lot and I should make time for the most important person in my life." says Dominic causing Shakarie's smile to grow

"I love you." says Shakarie as she places her hands on Dominic's chest

"I love you too." says Dominic smiling before he captures Shakarie's lips in a soft sweet kiss


Who do you think is the person who killed Grundy? I honestly have no clue but I like the fan theory that Sheriff Keller did it. But I don't think he did it and I just think it would be really interesting if he was. Any theories on why the killer is killing people?

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