Rene Ramirez (Requested)

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Requested by fangirloftoomuch

Ellie sits on a chair watching the team do different activities. Felicity, Ellie's older sister, is admiring Oliver's toned back as he works out.

Those two need to just get married already. Ellie thinks

Dig is in the corner just watching everyone. Quentin is cleaning some weapons.

Ellie lets out a sigh sort of bored since there is no crime at the moment and nothing is really going on. Ellie's phone then rings grabbing her attention. She grabs her phone and opens it to see a message from Rene Ramirez.

Ellie and Rene very recently just started going out. They have only been on few dates so far and no Ellie has not told even Felicity about this.

Nobody on the team trusts Rene, but Ellie of course does. Ellie knew the team wouldn't agree with her choice of going out with Rene. So she and Rene decided to keep it a secret for now. Of course, Ellie plans to eventually tell them, but she doesn't want to until she knows that what she has with Rene will last for a while.

Want to meet for dinner tonight? Reads the text causing Ellie to smile

Sure, when and where? Ellie texts back

It's a surprise and I'll pick you up at 5. Reads the text from Rene

Sounds great, can't wait :) Ellie texts back not noticing that the whole team is now staring at her

"What has you all smiley?" asks Felicity taking steps closer to her brunette sister

"Nothing." Ellie replies while immediately locking her phone

Everyone stares at Ellie suspiciously.

"I have to the uh bathroom." says Ellie standing up and hurriedly walking away desperate to get away from their staring

"That was weird." says Oliver with a confused look

"We should follow her." says Felicity

"Agreed." says Oliver with a head nod

"This is boring." says Felicity as Oliver and her sit in a van watching Ellie's apartment which they have been doing for an hour now

"I thought this would be more interesting." says Felicity

"Me too. She is just sitting up there watching Netflix." says Oliver

Man, I wish there was more crime. We have nothing to do. Thinks Felicity

"Maybe we should just go. We could watch a movie or something?" suggests Felicity and Oliver thinks it over until something catches his eye

"Wait...that looks familiar." says Oliver pointing at a car that has just pulled up in front of Ellie's apartment building

"That's Rene Ramirez's car." realizes Felicity

"What's he doing here?" asks Oliver with furrowed brows as the dark haired man climbs out of his car holding a bouquet of Ellie's favorite flowers

"You don't think..." starts Felicity not even needing to finish because Ellie just walked out of her apartment building looking amazing

"This can't be happening." breathes out Oliver

Ellie smiled at Rene as she exited her apartment building not noticing the van Oliver and Felicity are in.

"These are for you." says Rene handing the brown eyed girl the boutique

"Thank you, they are beautiful." Ellie says

"It's no problem, shall we?" says Rene opening the passenger door for Ellie

"We shall." says Ellie getting into the car before a smiling Rene shuts the door for her before he jogs to get into the driver's seat

" gosh." stumbles out a very shocked Felicity

You have to be kidding me. Thinks Oliver as Rene and Ellie start to drive away

Oliver and Felicity spend the next few hours following Ellie and Rene around. Rene ended up taking Ellie to her all time favorite restaurant. It is a bit expensive so Ellie doesn't go a lot so it was a little bit of a surprise to Ellie when they pulled up to the restaurant. The date went amazingly so when she walked into the Arrowcave the next day she still had a huge smile on her face.

"Hey, guys, what's up?" asks Ellie as she bounces up to everyone who for some reason is gathered all together

"We know Ellie." says Oliver with crossed arms and an unhappy face

"Know what?" asks Ellie with a confused look on her face

"About you and Rene Ramirez." replies Felicity instantly making Ellie feel awkward and nervous

"I-I was going to tell you all I swear....but how-how did you know?" Ellie says

"We just saw you at the restaurant last night." lies Felicity

"I don't like him." bluntly says Oliver

"Oliver!" scolds Felicity giving Oliver a glare

"What? I don't! I don't trust that guys." says Oliver

"I don't trust Rene either, but I trust Ellie's judgment and if she wants to be with him then I support it." says Dig causing Ellie to smile since at least one of them was support of

"Thanks, Dig." says Ellie

"No problem, kid." says Dig giving the brunette a smile before he walks away

"I just don't care." shrugs Quentin before he heads away

Well I guess that's better than disapproving. Thinks Ellie

"I don't like him." grunts out Oliver before he too walks off

Ellie lets out a sigh at this ,before she turns to her sister. Felicity's opinion is the one that really really matters to Ellie.

"So....what do you think sis?" asks Ellie nervous

"I wish you would have told me, but I understand why you didn't. I may not like him, but if you do then I approve." says Felicity

Ellie smiles largely before she pulls her sister into a tight hug.

"Thank you." Ellie says

Ellie walks up to Rene Ramirez the next day at lunch.

"I told the team about us." Ellie states

"You did? What did they say?" questions Rene a little nervous

Rene knew that the team's opinion matters to Ellie a lot and depending on what they said could determine if the two of you continued dating or not.

"The majority are cool with it." answers Ellie with a grin

"So does that mean you might want to be my girlfriend?" asks Rene taking Ellie's hand in his with a smile small

"I would love to be your girlfriend." Ellie answers with a smile

Rene smiles grows into a hug grin before he presses his lips to Ellie's.

I'm one lucky man. Thinks Rene


Riverdale doesn't return for another 13 days which is sad, because I feel like the new episode will be a lot better than ones we got for season 2 so far. I can't want for Chip Cooper to make an appearance! FYI I just started season 6 of SPN! I really love it!

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