Kansas Girl-Stefan Salvatore

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    Stefan Salvatore stares at a picture of you with a smile. You were one of the people Stefan met while he traveled around since being a vampire meant you had to move around a lot so no one gets suspicious. You were somebody Stefan met during a stay in Kansas.

    Stefan was seated at a bar in some small town in Kansas sipping on a glass of bourbon. Stefan was so deep in his thought that he didn't even notice you approaching his table. You sat down which immediately pulled Stefan out of his thoughts.

"Great, a new vampire in town. I was getting bored." You said with a grin

"Excuse-excuse me?" questioned Stefan took back and a little on edge by your comment

"Chill hero hair, I'm one too." You answered with an eye roll

"How did you know I was one?" asked Stefan still confused

"You smell strongly like blood so you are either a total serial killer or a vampire." You replied

"Well, luckily I'm not a serial killer." said Stefan with a lopsided grin

I kind of like her. thought Stefan as he continued to talk to you

Stefan thinks back to one of Stefan and you are first fun memories together.

You had blindfolded the younger Salvatore and were guiding him somewhere.

"Y/N, where are taking me?" asked Stefan with a laugh

"It's a surprise, I wouldn't have blindfolded you for nothing." You answered with a smirk

Stefan rolls his eyes though you don't know that.

Stefan heard loud music as a door was opened. You removed the blindfold from Stefan's eyes for him to see a huge party.

"You blindfolded me for you to surprise me with a party?" questioned Stefan

"It's not just any other party." You replied before you grabbed Stefan's hand tugging him with you

"Come on, I'll show you." You said flashing him a grin before you lead him downstairs

    Stefan shook his head but neither less followed you down the stairs. As the two of you made it to the downstairs Stefan realized how this wasn't your average party immediately. Firstly, humans were stationed near a table with napkins all over it. Vampires biting into them draining them. Blood in a punch bowl.

"A vampire party." said, Stefan, as he checked everything out as you let go of his hand

"Yep, the best kind. Now, Stefan, let's have some fun." You said before you pulled your fangs out

Stefan accompanied you to the dance floor. The two of you had a great time. You snacked off a human while Stefan sipped liquor for he was on one of his bunny diets. You guys danced and sang, the two of you even hooked up that night.

That was the start of it all if you ask Stefan though you would probably beg to differ.

Stefan grin grows as he remembers what you would call the start of it all.

    Stefan fell for you somewhere between the nights you shared, the partying, the more deep moments, and the dancing. So one day he decided to tell you exactly how he feels.

The two of you sat at lunch together both of you sipping on some bourbon but you were also eating some French fries.

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