Change-Kai Parker

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Kai Parker smiles as he sits across from you while you tell about the totally disastrous day you had yesterday.

Kai has had a crush on you since he met you. There was something about you that liked Kai. Maybe because you didn't treat him like a psycho and you never acted like you are better than the boy. Though both Kai and everyone else agrees you definitely are. You are currently human not even a drop of supernatural in you. You don't even want to be anything supernatural which Kai at first still doesn't understand. How could you not want to be more powerful? Kai had asked you before but you always replied to him that you had your reasons. Kai didn't push you after that to answer not wanting to annoy you since you are his only friend after all.

"Hey. Kai. You listening to me?" You say as you wave your hand in front of the Parker boy's face

Kai snaps out of his thought with a shake of his head before he refocuses in you.

"Sorry." apologizes a sheepish Kai

"Are you getting the urges again?" You ask Kai giving him a concerned look as you move your hand to rest on Kai's arm which causes Kai to hold in a grin

Urges meaning urges to kill someone or something that sometimes Kai gets.

"No, I was just thinking about how hungry I am." says Kai annoyed with how long it is taking for your food to arrive

You chuckle at the siphoner.

"Trust me, the food here is so good it'll be worth the wait." You say

Kai has never been to this restaurant before, but you absolutely love it so you decided to bring him here.

"The food was amazing! Best food ever!" says Kai as the two of you walk home together

You giggle slightly at Kai's new found love.

"I didn't expect you to love it that much." You confess

"Are you kidding me? Those fries were to die for!" says Kai smiling as he made some weird hand gesture causing you to laugh

"You know for a supposed psychopath, you are quite adorable." You sat

"Thanks...I think." says Kai with a confused look on his face as you make it to your home

"No problem." You say with a grin

"Hey, tomorrow I was thinking you could come over and we could watch a movie together, would you be up to it?" You ask

"I would love to." answers Kai who would do anything as long as if he was with you

"Great, see you then." You say before you lean up and press a friendly kiss to Kai's cheek

You give the stunned boy a wave before you head inside your house.

A huge smile forms on Kai's face as he reaches up and places his hand on his cheek.

That had to mean something right? thinks Kai as he heads home

You walk home the next night from the grocery store. You forgot popcorn so you had to make a last minute stop to the local Target. You look around not the most comfortable with walking at night in Mystic Falls. Plus you hang out with a few certain vampires that have a lot of enemies. You know what is out there and you wear a vervain so they can't compel you, but they can still hurt you.

You continue to walk still nervous until a voice behind you causes you to look behind you. You see nothing and mentally scold yourself.

You are just being paranoid, Y/N. You scoff internally letting a sigh before you move your head to look forward

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