Assassin Prt3-Barry Allen

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"So did you find anything?" Barry asks worried about you

"No prison record. The only thing I have found that is concerning is she bought a phone about 6 months ago and on the call record it shows Captain Cold's number." answers Cisco looking up at Barry

"Why would she know Captain Cold?" says Barry confused

"Barry for what do I owe the pleasure?" asks Captain Cold through the phone at the prison

"I need you to tell me everything you know about this girl." says Barry showing him a picture of you

"Awww...Y/N Y/L/N. What would you want with a professional assassin?" says Captain Cold

"Professional assassin?" questions Barry shocked

"Yeah...she'a good at her job. Never has failed one before but damn is she expensive. Hired her to kill one man and cost me 3 million for it." says Captain Cold

"I got to go." says Barry standing up rushing out

"Nice to see you too, Barry." says Captain Cold rolling his eyes

"She's a professional assassin." says Barry once he returns to STAR labs to see Iris has joined Cisco and Caitlin

"Who is a professional assassin?" asks Iris confused

"Y/N." answers Barry freaking out; he just went on a date with a professional killer

"What? There is no way. Y/N can't be a killer." says Iris

"And nobody has been found murdered in the time she has been here." adds Cisco after he pulls up recent police reports

"What if they just haven't found whoever she has killed yet? Captain Cold told me she never fails a job. I need to find her." says Barry

"I tracked her phone." says Cisco

"Where is she?" asks Barry

"It shows she is at the airport." answers Cisco then Barry flashes to put his suit on then heads to the airport

Barry searches the whole airport but doesn't find you.

"She's not here." says Barry into his head set looking around

"She must have thrown her phone way there before she took her flight." says Cisco over the head set

"But where would she go?" asks Barry

"Iris said Y/N told her she came from New York so maybe there." answers Cisco

"Okay try to find anything about her location. I'm going to hop a train to New York." says Barry as he flashes off to the train station

You sit down on your couch in the living room of your very expensive town house.

These have been the most exhausting month you think as you switch on the tv.

Barry arrives in New York City hours later and Cisco luckily has found your location. He heads to your house to find a very nice looking town home. He speeds inside to find you asleep on your couch.

She's so pretty. Thinks Barry staring at you in awe forgetting for a moment that you are a killer

Why does she have to be a killer? Thinks Barry

He leans down and shakes your shoulders.

"Five more minutes mom." You groan into the pillow

"Wake up." says Barry trying to sound strong

You look up to see the flash and rolling your eyes.

I knew Barry would follow me. Why does he have to be so him? You think slightly annoyed

"What do you want?" You ask as you sit up

"I want to know who you killed? Captain Cold told me all about you. How you are an assassin and that you never fail a job. So who did you kill?" asks Barry crossing his arms over his chest

He felt betrayed by you. He truly liked you and you turn out to be an assassin. Barry feels like you were just using him.

"I didn't kill anyone. I failed." You say sighing

"You want me to believe the only job you have ever gotten caught by someone is also the same job you failed?" questions Barry not believing you

"Well, you are still alive aren't you, Barry?" You ask staring at him bored with this interrogation

"How did you know who I was?" asks Barry confused and shocked

"You aren't that good at hiding it Barry. When you left our date you flashed right by me and your tie was left on ground in front of me. Plus I saw you flash off in the alley way after we ran into each other at Jitter's." You answer as Barry takes his mask off

" you came to Central City to kill me?" asks Barry

"I came to Central City to kill the Flash. He didn't know who you are." You correct

"Why didn't know kill me?" asks Barry

"Because I like you, Barry Allen. I couldn't kill you. Plus...this was my first job like this and I wasn't really comfortable with killing you or the flash." You answer as Barry sits down next to you

"What do you mean by your first job like this?" questions Barry looking at you confused

"I am a professional assassin but almost all of my jobs are for the government. At the same time I killed that guy for Captain Cold, the government hired me to the same guy for killing two men. The only job I have accepted to kill someone who is totally innocent was the Flash job." You answer

"Oh....why did you take the Flash case then?" he asks

"The money was 100 million dollars. If I took it then it would be my last job ever. I would retire." You answer letting out a sigh

"I guess I just got swept up in the idea of being done. It was a selfish decision that I shouldn't have made." You add running your hands through your hair

I'm so stupid. You think angry at yourself for being so greedy as you sniffle a little upset

"It's...okay. Everyone makes mistake." He says this situation sort of reminding him about the time he went back in time to his mother's death placing his hand on your shoulder

" don't hate me?" You ask looking up at him tears in your eyes

"No, no, I don't hate you, Y/N. You did the right thing and you didn't kill me. And I guess I should be lucky that guy hired you because I would probably be dead right now if he hired someone else. So that you for accepting to kill me." answers Barry trying to lighten the mood making you chuckle

"So how about I take you out to lunch to make up for the fact I had to leave in the middle of our last date?" asks Barry smiling

" still want to date me?" You question sort of shocked

Barry slightly chuckles at your reaction.

"Yes, I do, Y/N, because I still think you're amazing." says Barry smiling

"I think you're amazing to Barry Allen and I would love to go to lunch with you." You say smiling

Barry grins before he leans over and kisses you softly.

"I'm glad I met you." Barry says as he pulls away

"I'm glad I got to meet you too Barry Allen." You say smiling brightly


Thoughts on season 4 so far?

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