A Hunter's Life is a Lonely Life- Jeremy Gilbert

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Jeremy Gilbert runs through the woods in Montana hunting a vampire lead.

"Come out, you coward." yells Jeremy after he had found the vampire only for her to run

A growl is emitted from behind him. He turns around to see the blonde haired girl he was hunting. A smirk quickly forms on his face.

"Good night." says Jeremy before he successfully shoots her in the heart with his wooden stake gun

The vampire gasps before she drops to the ground.

"This is getting too easy." says Jeremy with a huge smirk

Jeremy heads back into town hiding his gun and other vampire killing tools in his truck bed. Today he has a date with you. The two of you met at the local coffee shop. You work there and Jeremy kept going in for some coffee. After some flirting conversation, Jeremy ended up asking you out on a date. The two of you are going to get lunch at this cute local diner in town. The only problem is Jeremy is running a bit late.

You sit at the diner looking at your phone to see that your date, Jeremy, is about 10 minutes late. Jeremy Gilbert, the hot new guy in town. The town is small you live in so everyone pretty much knows everyone. So when Jeremy came in you were pretty interested in knowing more about him.

"If he doesn't show up, I'll kill him for you." says your best friend as she refills your drink since she is your waitress

You laugh at her statement finding it funny even though you know she is a hundred percent serious.

"He'll show up." You say with hope before your best friend walks away needing to serve another table

A few seconds later, a running Jeremy Gilbert bursts into the diner.

"Sorry, I'm late. My neighbor wouldn't stop talking." lies Jeremy as he sits down across from you

"It's okay." You say believing his lie since you know his neighbor, Mrs.Picket, loves to talk

Jeremy ended up renting an apartment for a month deciding he wants to stay for a little bit.

"How is work so far?" asks Jeremy making you laugh before you jump into a story about the funniest thing that happened at the coffee shop this morning

The rest of the date went very well. You thought at least. Jeremy was super sweet and you found some of his commentary quite funny. The rest of you are currently walking towards your work. The diner you guys ate at for lunch was only 5 minutes walk from your work so you had walked to it. Jeremy being a gentleman decided to walk you back to your work.

The two of you hold hands while Jeremy finishes telling you a funny story about his sister Elena.

"That really happened?" You ask as the two of you make it to the front of the coffee shop

"Yes, she totally ate it in front of everyone." answers a laughing Jeremy Gilbert as you chuckle

"Well, I guess this is your stop." says Jeremy realizing they are in front of the coffee shop

"Yeah...I guess so." You say with a soft smile

"I had fun today." says Jeremy taking a step closer to you

"Me too." You say with a grin as you two take a step a closer

Jeremy smiles before he leans down and presses his lips to yours. The kiss is warm and soft. Both of you feel small sparks which make you both smile into the kiss.

That was the best kiss I have ever had. Thinks Jeremy as the two of you detach your lips from each other's

"Woah." Slips out Jeremy making you giggle as he turns bright red

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