Ugly Christmas Sweater Party Contest (Otis x Olympia)

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A/N:  This is an idea that I got recently, mainly from a Christmas sweater I was just wearing recently.  (X  I hope you enjoy it.  Please remember to comment, vote, and follow.  Thanks so much!  <3 

(Otis x Olympia)

Olympia bounded into Odd Squad headquarters excited out of her mind for the annual Odd Squad Ugly Sweater party contest in July. It was something she had looked forward to ever since she found out it existed. Luckily she had been prepared the entire winter, and stocked up on a variety of sweaters she struggled to choose from. The best plan she figured was wearing all of them, and taking one off for a new one off and on as she eventually made a decision. Right then she was wearing a dark green one with Rudolph's face on it, and multi-colored lights that lit up on his antlers. She hadn't anticipated it being the hottest day of the year though, nearly to one hundred, but thankfully headquarters was extra cooled for the occasion. They even had snow falling down from a snow-inator placed in the middle of the staircases on a platform on the upper floor. Olympia was smiling widely when her partner finally arrived, him reluctantly stepping out from the shadows in a sweater she had picked out for him. 

"You look great, Otis," she exclaimed with a wide grin. 

Otis looked as though he would rather be anywhere else, stuck in his navy blue sweater with white snowflakes, and a large face of Santa on it. 

"Do I have to wear this," he muttered. 

"Yes, if you want to win the sweater contest," she reminded him. 

"I don't really mind if I don't win it...," he ended up mumbling. 

"Come on, Otis, have a little fun! Sometimes you remind me of an old man," commented Olympia. 

"Fine, I'll wear it," Otis caved, since he wasn't fond of that description of himself. 

"Great," beamed Olympia, bounding over to Oona, who was wearing a white sweater with a glowing, neon green Christmas tree, and shiny bulbs that were actually 3D on it, not to mention the sparkling, silver star on top. 

"Howdy do, Olympia," greeted Oona happily. 

"Great. Your sweater is awesome," Olympia complimented with a big smile. 

"Thanks, I made it myself... With a little help from combining gadgets," Oona modestly admitted. 

"How many sweaters are you wearing, Olympia," wondered Otis as he finally realized that Olympia's outfit was quite thick. 

"Oh, not that many, just twenty... Give or take a few," Olympia confessed. 

"You know you can only wear one for the contest, right," double checked Oona. 

"Yeah... But I'm hoping that Otis will be the one to win it all," Olympia said, pointing her index finger at Otis. 

Otis just merely looked annoyed as he sighed heavily and hung his head. 

"Well, good luck you two. I'm going to go greet Oscar. He's on the voting committee," Oona explained, before hurrying off. 

"You okay there, partner," Olympia asked Otis as he studied the ground. 

"Oh yeah, never better," he sarcastically replied, although it didn't dampen her positive spirits at all. 

"The contest is about to start," she exclaimed as she noticed Ms. O taking the stand. 

"Welcome all to the annual Odd Squad Christmas in July Ugly Sweater party contest. Wow, that was a mouthful. We wish you all luck," announced Ms. O loudly, only speaking soft in the middle sentence. 

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