If He Had Just Noticed Me (Orchid x Otis)

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A/N: Hey guys, this is an idea I actually got from a show in the 90's. It's called, "Doogie Howser, M.D." and it stars Neil Patrick Harris. I discovered it a few years back. (: Anyways, I hope you enjoy this one shot. I really enjoyed writing it. Please remember to comment, vote, and follow. As always, thank you so much! It all means a lot to me. <3

(Orchid x Otis)

Otis had not had the best day. It had consisted of Orchid getting his attention endlessly, and then sassily walking away. He just couldn't figure her out. Orchid on the other hand was not having the best day herself, and she kept growing more frustrated by the minute. Why did she have to have this stupid crush on Otis?! Ever since he helped her and Ohlm out on their case, she couldn't help thinking about putting her finger up to his soft lips to shush him. 

Even though she called his face old it really translated to, "I know you're way too old for me, so I'm never going to admit how cute you are." 

She sighed out loud as she passed her partner, Ohlm. 

"What's wrong, Orchid," he wondered. 

"None of your business, Sherman," she shot at him. 

Ohlm knew by now that when she was in one of her famous, "Orchid" moods, that it was best to give her her space. It was a special occasion that day because Olive and Otto were visiting the squad. They insisted on Ms. O not making it a big deal though, especially since they knew Olympia would more than gladly go all out for an extravagant party. They really just wanted to casually hang out with different agents like the old days. Olive couldn't help but notice Orchid was more in a foul mood than she had ever seen her. She didn't normally confront the touchy, small girl, but she felt like finding out what was wrong if she could. 

"Is something wrong, Orchid," questioned Olive kindly. 

"No! Why does everyone keep asking me that?! Ohlm, and now you! Just leave me alone," she shouted. 

"Orchid, I know that it might be kind of hard for you to understand, but we just want to help you. It's okay to tell other people why you're upset," Otto spoke to her as though she were younger like she used to be. 

Orchid made a face, since he was also crouched down to her height more, which was still a stretch from his, since he had grown so much taller. 

"Fine, I'll tell you, if that will get you to shut up," she caved, hating nothing more than being talked down to. 

Otto stood up, crossing his arms across his chest as he gave Olive a smug look at how his plan worked. To their surprise, Orchid sighed and sat on one of the rounded/bowl-like break room chairs, slouching her shoulders also. 

"It's Otis... I sort of have a crush on him," she admitted. 

Olive and Otto both shared a look, but then Orchid was back to being mad. 

"And you better not tell anyone, cause I know where you live. And also, I know where they keep all the blobs," she told them. 

Their eyes widened at her threat they knew she was serious about. 

Surprisingly Orchid did feel better after letting out her feelings, happily skipping off while swinging her arms with her usual, "La la la la la la la." 

Olive couldn't help but wear an amused expression, but when she caught sight of Otis passing by, she also saw that Orchid was in a far corner of the squad, appearing as though she had the blues again. 

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