His Goal (Owen x Olympia)

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(Owen x Olympia)

Owen had spent countless days staring after a certain red-head with a high, bouncy ponytail. He feared that he wouldn't be able to impress her, before her partner snatched her way. After all, the boy she worked with was far better looking, and Owen had caught several girls stealing glances at him. Owen had never gotten the same kind of reaction, and he felt more self-conscious than ever with his side, swept, golden brown hair, compared to the other guy's perfect, blonde hair that swooped upwards to the side. It was only a matter of time, before the girl of his dreams realized that this perfect, looking boy was the one she wanted to be with. Owen had tried countless ways to grab her attention. 

"Flying goldfish coming through," he called out, just before the creature accidentally whacked Otis in the head with its tail. 

"Otis," exclaimed Olympia in worry. 

As she crouched down to her partner, Owen realized that plan was stupid. It only brought them closer together, and it killed him to see the smiles they shared with one another. Then there was the other time he claimed there was a villain outbreak from the Odd Squad jail. He said that Otis was the only one that was supposed to go, but Olympia insisted on joining her partner. His plan was foiled again, and Owen had about given up. He had even tripped in front of Olympia once, which she didn't notice, and he just ended up having to go see Dr. O. He twisted his ankle, and couldn't do anything but sit at his control panels for 6 weeks, so over a month! Now he had written her a secret note, guaranteed by his friend, Ocean, to sweep her off her feet. Ocean was one of the most suave members of Odd Squad, which probably explained his strong, steady relationship with Oona that started a few months ago. Owen held his breath as Olympia noticed the small piece of paper, propped up against the red, electric pencil sharpener on her desk. She picked it up, and the biggest grin spread across her face. Owen's heart leapt in his chest, as he couldn't wait to see her that evening, to prepare the best, three course meal she ever had. The first time he did that for her, she was too distracted by a mission to see that he was trying to impress her.

The evening finally arrived, and Owen had just put the candles, with bulbs as the flames, in the middle of the elegantly, decorated table. He then caught a glimpse of her shadow rounding the corner. With his heart hammering, he jumped from sight, and hid to see her reaction first. 

"Wow?! This is amazing," exclaimed Olympia, as soon as she saw the dishes of food. 

She had just picked up a piece of cheese and began nibbling on it. 

"This is the best cheese ever," she shouted, squeezing her eyes shut and talking to the ceiling. 

Owen's heart now swelled with how she was one of the rare people, who actually appreciated the cheese course. 

"And is this another note," Olympia wondered, as she picked up the miniature envelope. 

Owen held his breath as she read aloud his failed attempt at rhyming, "Hi, I like you like I like making food. Do you like me too?" 

It sounded even worse when she said it, but then she was grinning like mad, and suddenly he didn't feel foolish anymore. 

"Otis?! I didn't know you could cook," she called out to the vacant area around her. 

Owen's face fell as he dropped the vase of roses he was holding, the fragile glass shattering on the floor. He hadn't wanted to give her just one flower similar to what most guys did. He wanted to stand out, but even after all his hard work, Olympia only had one person on her brain, Otis. He ran and ran through the darkened headquarters, the sound of a drum pounding through his ears. Finally he couldn't move anymore, but he figured Olympia was feet upon feet away, not to mention probably never even saw him. 

"Olympia?! Why can't you see?! It's me who likes you! Not Otis! And even if he did, he could never make cheese for you like I do, or notice all of the different shades of your red hair! He would never give you roses because they remind him of you, he would just do it, because that's what all guys do! Oh why, oh why, Olympia, must you break my heart? When we've never even gotten the chance to start," Owen called to the far wall. 

He nearly jumped to the ceiling, when he heard a softer voice than his say, "That was much better than the poem on the note you left me." 

Owen reluctantly turned around, but it wasn't some sort of dream, she was actually there, bright, tamed red hair, and all. 

"Olympia," Owen asked in surprise, scrunching his eyebrows together. 

She probably couldn't even see his eyebrows with his long bangs in the way. 

"Owen, that meal you made was amazing. Why didn't you just tell me it was you," she inquired gently. 

"Because you like Otis. You even thought it was him who did all of this," exclaimed Owen a bit angrily. 

Olympia seemed to feel bad as she responded, "I'm sorry. I just never imagined it could be you." 

"Of course not! All of my attempts to get you to notice me always fail! All Otis has to do is trip, and you're right there. You didn't even notice when I twisted my ankle," he pointed out in exasperation. 

"You twisted your ankle because of me," Olympia asked, her eyes widened in surprise. 

"You knew I twisted my ankle," Owen questioned back, the anger fading. 

"Yeah, everyone knew, but I didn't know it was because of me," she explained. 

"I was trying to get your attention, and I messed up... Just like I always do," he mumbled on the end to the floor. 

"Owen," spoke up Olympia to grab his attention. 

It worked as he lifted his head. 

"You have my attention now," Olympia noted. 

Owen could feel the corners of his mouth twitching upwards, before he could stop himself. 

"I guess I do," he admitted, a half smile now on his face. 

"Why don't we go have that meal you made together," she suggested, carefully taking his hand. 

"Okay," Owen cheerfully agreed, even with how much he was blushing by then. 

She led him all the way back to the main part of headquarters near his control panels. As they dined together, they never ran out of things to chat about, mostly because Olympia couldn't stop rambling per usual. Once the meal was over they both stood up, standing near one another. 

"Thank you for a wonderful meal, Owen," Olympia genuinely thanked him with a tiny smile. 

"You're welcome, Olympia. I can cook for you again sometime, if you'd like," he happily offered. 

"I'd like that," she admitted, carefully taking his hand. 

Owen stared down at it, as though it would become a sandwich hand at any moment. 

"So...," he trailed off. 

"So...," Olympia repeated. 

His eyes widened as she began leaning in, him closing his eyes and puckering up his lips. He then felt that she had kissed his cheek though, which grew warm with embarrassment. 

Olympia merely smiled fondly at him though as she told him, "I'll see you tomorrow." 

Owen was in too much of a daze to respond, and as she walked away, he was happy to know that he wouldn't have to work on his goal of getting her attention. He had already accomplished it.

A/N: Hey guys, so I actually got inspiration to write yet another one shot between Owen and Olympia. (X I hope you enjoyed it. Please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thank you! (:

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