700 Years (Owen x Oona)

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(Owen x Oona)

It was laundry day here at Odd Squad, and Oona was getting to do something she had never done before. The little beeps went off as she popped up next to two, miniature, white and green dryer machines. She carefully took out the 12 bowties, 6 in each of the devices. 11 were the typical, dark green, while there was a multi-colored, bright one for vacations. Oona was careful to not rust her robotic hand as she tossed more bowties into the three, small washers. It was 700 years in the future, and at that exact hour ages ago, she had first started cleaning the items of clothing. It took that long for the spin cycle to be completed.

She sighed, as she adjusted her lab coat by tugging on it.

"Howdy do," she called out. She was waiting for the soup of the day to be fixed.

"It's ready Oona," answered a familiar voice in the distance.

She happily hurried up to where they were, but found out the noise was coming from the game room. The first hallway had a gigantic, glowing, blue blob in the middle, and the second was called, Owen's Hallway, so only he could use it.

She sighed in frustration, since she knew her food was in that impossible place to get to.

"Soup's ready," the familiar voice called again. Oona decided to take a chance and just use Owen's hallway. He was the one yelling to her after all.

"Hey Owen, where's my soup," she awkwardly asked.

"Over there," he nodded. He was busy with his feet propped up on a spare chair, a glowing, game screen in front of him.

"I'm surprised you haven't yelled at me for using your hallway," Oona admitted.

Owen shrugged. "I was too lazy to bring your soup to you. Besides, I just unlocked this new level on this game. It was intense." He sipped the cool soup off of his spoon.

Oona nodded her head slightly, accidentally dropping the bowl and spilling it all over her fake hand. She gasped as it started trying to get into the cracks. She began frantically running around the room in search for a napkin. "Help me...," she said in a small voice. Her fear had made her vocal chords stop working.

Owen instantly put his feet onto the floor, throwing her a white square. "Here! Catch!"

Oona ended up having to pick up the napkin off the floor, cleaning her hand before it had the chance to malfunction. "Thanks."

"No problem, I like to think of myself as a pretty helpful guy," he responded.

Oona smiled weakly before sitting in the chair next to his.

"What?" Owen looked over at her confused, his eyebrows raised and his chin scrunched.

"I was just wondering, why were you so mean to me that day I became a fly?"

"What do you mean?" He wasn't following.

"You almost swatted me with a newspaper, and... you cared about a ham sandwich more than me, and... you insulted my fly voice," she emphasized.

Owen shrugged. "I don't know. At first I didn't know it was you, and also no one was going to eat that ham sandwich anyway, and also your fly voice was annoying!"

Oona shook her head as she began walking away. "Forget it."

"Wait! Oona!" Owen had jumped up, running to stand in front of her. "It has been 700 years. A lot has changed. I'm head of the creature department now, Otis and Olympia aren't around anymore..."

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