We'll Be The Stars (Otis x Olympia)

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A/N: Hey guys, this is an idea I got from Sabrina Carpenter's song, "Well Be The Stars." This could either be a genius idea, or an insane one. I haven't worked out which yet. You think of weird things when you're tired. (X Anyways, please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thank you so incredibly much! <3

(Otis x Olympia)

"Olympia! I can't even see anything," complained Otis. 

She had convinced him to have a star gazing picnic as soon as it got dark out. Otis wasn't thrilled with the plan, especially since he was afraid there might still be a stray duck, or two, on the pond they were near. 

"Walla! Here is the perfect spot," Olympia announced, as she fluffed out the big, square blanket, that was red and white checkered. 

Otis was still checking the area for ducks, as she sat the woven, rectangle basket in the middle of the blanket. She sat next to it, and then patted the spot opposite of it. 

"Come on, Otis. You'll feel better once you see what I brought," she assured him, Otis reluctantly sitting down. 

"What did you bring," he warily asked. 

"Well, I brought bread for you, and... a couple of pizza slices for me," she explained. "You know me so well," he couldn't help but admit as he took the bun. 

"Hey, that's just another reason why we're perfect partners," she shrugged. 

Otis was thankful that she couldn't see his blush in the dark. 

"Otis, look! The moon," exclaimed Olympia, as she pointed up at it for a moment. 

He scrunched his eyebrows together as he nodded in acknowledgement once. He actually had to squint his eyes up at the orb in the sky, since it was extra bright. 

"This must be one of those super moons they talk about, or something," noted Olympia, before taking the first bite of her slice of pizza. 

"Yeah, maybe," commented Otis, biting into his bread. 

"You okay, Otis," she double checked. 

He sighed as he glanced towards the pond again, "I'm afraid we're going to run into ducks..." 

"Don't worry, Otis. That won't happen," Olympia stated confidently. 

Deep down though, Otis knew that the real reason why he was so on edge was because, he felt different about Olympia that night. The way the white moon rays hit her auburn hair, and the shadows dancing across her face... He had never truly realized how beautiful she actually was. 

"Hey, how did that get in there," wondered Otis, as he fished a few gadgets out from underneath one of the flaps, on the top of the basket. 

"Oh, I must have forgotten those were there," admitted Olympia. 

"What does this number even do," questioned Otis, studying the massive collection of gadgets. 

"It should just be a hat-inator, toothbrushinator, potatosac-inator, things like that," she spoke. 

"Potatosac-inator," repeated Otis, raising one of his eyebrows. 

"It was a gadget that Olaf made... Anyway, they must have combined together to make one big gadget," she realized, as she took it from him to hold it up. 

"You're telling me," he reacted in disbelief. 

"I wonder what this gadget does...," she trailed off curiously. 

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