Always (Octavia x Oz)

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(Octavia x Oz)

"You asked for us, Dr. O," double checked Octavia as she arrived at the Odd Squad doctor office. 

"Yes. I need you to get something very rare for my office. There's a dragon," Dr. O explained promptly as she laid out a yellowed, ancient map. 

"We're on it, Dr. O," Octavia uncertainly agreed. 

"We won't let you down," Oz added. 

He was still visible at this point in time, Octavia blind to the future that was yet to come. 

"Good. What's next," yelled Dr. O as she looked to the door. 

"No, seriously, what's next? I haven't had any patients all day," she commented. 

"Maybe you could try asking Ms. O," offered Octavia, her voice giving away how unsure she was of her own advice. 

"Okay, doctor," responded Dr. O. 

"But I'm not a doctor...," trailed off Octavia. 

"I know. I was talking to myself. What's next," questioned Dr. O. 

"You were going to Ms. O's office," Octavia reminded her, the conversation seeming to go in loops. 

"Right. Thanks for reminding me," Dr. O thanked her before leaving. 

Octavia sighed as she looked over at her partner, nerves already attacking in the pit of her stomach. 

"Ready, partner," she asked. 

"Yeah," replied Oz with a single nod. 

Octavia smiled softly as she took his hand. It was sort of their thing, even though none of the other agents seemed to do that with their partners. 

"I wonder how long it will take us to get to the dragon," Octavia pondered over as they ventured through a noisy forest. 

"I never knew the trees could get so thick here," observed Oz as he kept his eyes overhead. 

"Focus, Oz. We can't let Dr. O down. If we let her down, then she'll tell Ms. O, and if she tells Ms. O, we might get kicked of the squad. But Ms. O will probably yell at us before that happens...," rambled Octavia, before Oz gently took her by the shoulders and lightly shook her. 

"Octavia, everything is going to be okay. I promise you can always count on me. I'll always be there for you," he assured her as he gazed into her eyes. 

"Always," she repeated as she looked down at him. 

"Always," he agreed, them linking pinkies as Octavia grinned. 

"Okay, let's keep going. We should be at a river right about now," she informed him as she studied the map. 

"You mean that river," asked Oz just as Octavia's feet sunk in the shallow end. 

The steady flow of the water was rushing past her ankles. 

"Yes, that would be the one...," she answered, making a slight face as she pulled her feet out of the suctioned mud. 

"How do we get across," Oz wondered. 

"I don't know... There should be a bridge somewhere. How else would Dr. O get across," questioned Octavia. 

Oz shrugged as Octavia scanned the area for a way to cross the gurgling, steady stream of water. 

"There's something over there," she pointed out. It seemed to almost be a hologram as the nice, wooden bridge with a tall railing kept glitching in and out of focus. 

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