One Photo (Otis x Olympia)

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(Otis x Olympia)

Olympia had finally done it! She had finally gotten a selfie with her boss, Ms. O. Granted, it was only with her opposite self from the mirror, but you really couldn't tell the difference in the photo. Right after they saved the real Ms. O from the alternate universe, there was trouble again shortly after when Otis accidentally leaned against the mirror, his opposite now showing up. 

"Hey everybody, what's shakin'," the opposite Otis wondered, acting totally different than Olympia's original partner. 

All Olympia could do though was smile widely and exclaim, "We're gonna take so many pictures together!" 

That was exactly what they did, and soon Olympia almost forgot that she needed to get the opposite Otis back to the mirror soon. 

"It's so weird. You really are the complete opposite of Otis," she commented as the boy ate a normal hamburger, bun and all. 

"I am Otis," he claimed, getting some mustard on his cheek without a care in the world. 

Olympia decided not to argue, and go along with what he believed. Before she barely had time to blink though, he was dragging her over to the Ball Pit. 

"Aren't you going to take a selfie," he wondered, his mouth already wide open for a crazy smile. 

Olympia couldn't help but smile just as crazily, and soon they were moving through headquarters so fast, that even Oona couldn't find them. They had taken pictures in Dr. O's office, a door in headquarters with some sort of ape-like creature, in the room filled with Odd Squad artifacts, the Potato Room, and even Blobsivania. There had even been a time when they snuck into Oona's lab, snapping a photo with one of her beakers with green stuff in it, and caught a game of foosball hockey in Coach O's office. At the end of the day, Olympia still wasn't exhausted, and the opposite Otis was eating his second hamburger of the day. 

"The hamburgers where I come from are awful," he shared, savoring every bite of his sandwich. 

Olympia felt bad that it was about time that she took him back to the mirror, and also guilty for abandoning the real Otis for that long. 

"We better start heading back," she said sadly. 

The opposite Otis didn't seem to completely understand what she meant though, because he smiled special at her right after he finished his hamburger. 

"Wait, you've got a little something there...," she trailed off, gesturing to her own face. 

He tried to get the food off with his tongue, but kept messing up. 

"Here," she offered, gently wiping it away with her thumb. 

She then stared deeply into his eyes, never realizing how blue they were, but he was the wrong Otis, and she missed the real Otis more than ever. 

"What's wrong," he asked, but he still was smiling faintly. 

"Nothing. I just wondered, do you, uh, have a crush on me," she awkwardly questioned. He laughed slightly for a moment.

"No! I would never think of you like that, Olympia. We're just friends. Best friends," he added, happily wrapping his arms around her for a big, side hug. 

Olympia smiled weakly as her heart rate sped up, and the pieces started to click in her brain. If the opposite Otis would never have a crush on her, then did that mean... She couldn't get to the mirror fast enough with the opposite Otis in tow. 

"Took you long enough," Otis complained in exasperation. 

"Sorry, partner. I got distracted," she partly mumbled. 

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