My Cure (Ohlm x Orchid)

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(Ohlm x Orchid)

Even though his brunette partner's eyes were filled with rage, Ohlm couldn't keep his heart from still fluttering from the feisty girl.

"Sherman! How many times do I have to tell you?! You don't have to get me an exact number of what I ask from the break room! And you do this every single day," exclaimed none other than Orchid.

"Sorry, Orchid," he rapidly apologized. It felt as though she had whacked him with an invisible hand.

She sighed in frustration before turning away. "Whatever! Let's just get up to Ms. O's office. I heard she has a case for us."

Ohlm's brown eyes followed the small girl's stature, as she skipped in the direction of the curved staircases.

"I know we've got a lot to say

Between now and forever

But I'd be a game if you would play

And my dear you get better"

Just as they arrived in their boss's office, Ms. O was about to slam her juice box onto her desk, since they had been late on account of Ohlm spending all his time searching for food downstairs.

"There you two are! Something very odd has happened!" Ms. O rolled out of the way in her chair, to reveal flying goldfish above the local museum on a screen.

"Flying goldfish again," groaned Orchid, slouching her shoulders.

"Sorry, but we can't take any chances. Last time, Ohlm almost made the villains fire a deadly gadget at the squad."

"I thought it was just a spatula...," he trailed off, his eyes squinted in guilt.

"It was a spatula! It belonged to the villain, Untensiler," shouted Ms. O, actually hitting her fist onto the sturdy wood before her.

Ohlm flinched a little, which caused their boss to calm down. She was aware that Ohlm's mistakes weren't intentional, and how great of an asset he was to the squad.

Just then the boy gasped, "Sorry, I just realized I hadn't breathed in a long time..."

Ms. O shook her head, rolling her eyes a little. "Anyway, I need you two to round up those flying goldfish!" She then added after a moment, "Ohlm, it's time to breathe again."

The male exhaled and then inhaled loudly, Orchid unable to keep from smiling faintly.

"All throughout the day

You smile and walk away

All I can think to do

Is follow you"

Soon the duo was underneath the creatures that were out of control, Orchid yelling as she tackled two at once.

Ohlm was doing really well, until he ended up landing on his ankle funny after jumping upwards. "Ow," he called out.

Orchid gathered up the final fish that were already swishing near her net, before checking on her partner.

"If you ever leave I'll be crawling back for more

If you ever need love I'll be standing at your door

I'll be sick inside if baby you would be my cure"

"Where does it hurt, Sherman," wondered Orchid, on her hands and knees next to him.

"My ankle... but I think it's feeling better now," Ohlm lied. He didn't want his partner to have another reason to grow angry with him.

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