No Place (Olympia x Oxley)

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(Olympia x Oxley)

Olympia wasn't sure what to think about Oxley when they first met. Yes he was cute with dark, floppy hair and gorgeous eyes, but he was also sort of odd. Every time he called her an expert in something, he would shower her with a gift each time. Soon she had a gold jacket, captain's hat, and a pair of ruby shoes in her possession. She didn't mind about the shoes too much though, since they were beautiful.

She was struggling to walk in the sparkly, red pumps as she maneuvered through headquarters. Her cheeks flushed when she spotted a familiar boy.

"Thanks for the shoes, Oxley. They kind of remind me of the ones from that movie... You know, "The Wizard of Oz..."

She never got to finish though, because he was interrupting with, "Well, well, well, the keyspert is also a moviespert, which when I say moviespert, I mean that in the nicest way possible. Because of that, I would like you to have my great great cousin's pearl necklace."

"I'm flattered Oxley, but..." She then tripped, clacking her feet together three times as she struggle to stand. "Whoa, that was a close one. Wait, what's happening?!"

Headquarters had begun to spin all around her, and Oxley was suddenly taking her hand. "You figured it out! You're also a shoespert," he called before they were greeted by a rainbow mist and howling wind.

Once the fog lifted though they were standing before a twisting, yellow brick road amongst a miniature village.

"Do you realize where we are," Olympia asked, her mouth gaping open, as she struggled not to overreact.

"You're the expert in everything. Why don't you tell me," he questioned.

"We're in the land of Oz!" A squeal had definitely escaped her lips on that last bit.

"Wow, the moviespert is also a-" He was instantly shushed by Olympia's finger against his lips.

She still gazed straight ahead at the surreal landscape though. "Oxley, for once don't say anything. Just take it all in."

Oxley stared at the place in awe, truly noticing it for the first time.

"Hopefully the wicked witch isn't around," Olympia commented.

He barely reacted as Olympia bounded forward to lead the way, her shoes clicking against the pathway. She even ventured over a bridge and observed the clear, shimmering water below.

"Did I mention Dorothy was a past relative of mine," Oxley spoke up.

"No, you didn't, but this is awesome! That means that all of the wicked witches can't bother us, because Dorothy defeated them all!"

Oxley bit his tongue to prevent himself from calling her an expert in her knowledge. "So, what do we do now," he wondered instead.

"Well, first we need to find out a way to get back. Maybe Glinda could help us," beamed Olympia.

"Glinda," he echoed.

"You know... the good witch. She wears a poofy, pink, sparkly dress, and a silver crown..."

"You mean, like that?" Oxley pointed to a sphere of pink light, that had just transformed into a person with curly, strawberry blonde hair that at least fell to their shoulders.

Olympia's mouth lowered in absolute shock/excitement. "That's her!"

The kind witch glided towards them, her silver wand with the sparkles at the tip, glinting in the afternoon sun.

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