True Love (Otis x Olympia)

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(Otis x Olympia)

Olympia had been talking so much that her throat almost hurt. That was saying something, especially considering the fact that she was rarely quiet. She was just to excited about a million different things, and who better to tell all about them than her partner, Otis? He was silent like he always as he ate his plain sandwich bun, nodding occasionally. Olympia had just finished her burger when she realized that he had been done for awhile.

"So...," she trailed off, but just then he intervened before she could say more.

"I'm gonna go use the restroom. I'll be right back." He pointed his thumb back in that direction, standing up from his chair.

"Okay." Olympia smiled positively at him, watching him stroll off.

At first she was distracted by adorable pictures of kittens on the internet, but then it dawned on her that Otis had been gone for at least 15 minutes. That wasn't like him...

She popped up, heading in the direction of the nearest bathrooms in headquarters. Just then she saw Owen exiting the boys' room.

"Hey, Owen. Is Otis in there," she asked.

"No, I haven't seen him," Owen shrugged in response.

Olympia's face fell as she awkwardly said, "Oh, okay."

After Owen was out of sight, she was even more puzzled as she aimlessly wandered the hall of doors. That's when she heard something, causing her to freeze in a stance. She hesitantly turned a corner, before stopping outside the Calendar Room. She cautiously pushed the door open that was cracked open a smidge. Inside was a sight she never though she'd see. Otis was sitting on the floor with his knees up to his chest. His hands were resting against his eyebrows where his nose met. There was no mistaking that the gentle sobs were coming from him.

"Partner," she cautiously asked.

As soon as he jerked his head up, he rapidly used his forefinger and thumb on one of his hands to wipe away the tears.

"Hey, I was just, uh... checking the room for tear gas," he fabricated, accidentally sniffing loudly.

"Otis, what's wrong?" Olympia was not buying his white lie.

"Nothing," he claimed, but she then saw a random date on the wall circled in red in December. It just so happened to be Christmas, but she noticed there was a little bit of red ink stained on Otis's hands.

"I thought you didn't care that much about Christmas," she pointed out. She recalled how he had been less than enthused to help with the decorations, and even refused to go caroling with the squad.

"It's not so bad," Otis stated.

"Then why did you circle the date just now, and why are you crying?" After a short pause she carefully sat next to him. "I understand if you don't want to talk about it, partner. I just want to make sure you're okay. You've always done that for me." She gently touched his knee, causing him to smile faintly.

"Thanks, partner," he responded, finally meeting his gaze with hers.

Olympia couldn't help but gaze into his puffy eyes, still finding the blue in them dazzling. "No problem."

The festive holiday was nearing with each passing day. Even though Otis still hadn't revealed the reason for his sadness, Olympia respected his decision not to tell. In fact, most of the time she even forgot about what she had witnessed. It was hard to focus on that when there was so much excitement going on around the building.

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