No Barrier Between Them (Owen x Olympia)

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A/N: Hey guys, I wasn't sure about this pairing at first, but for some reason something clicked when I was watching the episode, "License to Science" recently. I guess it was how Owen instantly knew who Olympia was, even though she didn't look like herself. I hope you like this one shot, and if you don't think they go well together, I hope you at least enjoy reading a different idea for a pairing. Please remember to vote, comment, and follow, if you enjoyed. Thanks so much!

(Owen x Olympia)

"Olympia," asked Owen in confusion. 

Even though her head had turned into a red, semi truck, he could still tell it was her by her voice. She was trying to distract the X's, while Otis helped Oona study for her scientist's license. Olympia was bragging about some magical, ice orb, and then she had frozen the Safe Room's door. Owen couldn't budge it, and now he had to admit it would take awhile for it to thaw, so that he could get the papers that proved he was qualified for the security department. He didn't know why, but he gazed at Olympia after she eventually left. Even though he could know who someone was by their screams, and/or hiccups, for her it was much more than that. He knew when it was her excited footsteps rushing down the halls, or her joyful laugh that she was always using. He knew when it was her auburn hair swishing as she walked... Was that too weird? He shook his head as he got back to showing the X's the information they needed.

One day Owen was blindly staring at the monitor's screens in front of him. He couldn't help the memories that were flashing through his mind, of every moment he had encountered with Olympia. Just then he heard a distant scratching noise, followed by thuds. Somehow he knew in his heart that there was something wrong, so he bolted from his chair, completely forgetting about his job of securing the perimeter. 

"Help," Olympia mouthed as she clawed at a huge, clear, plastic cube she was in. 

"Olympia! Can you hear me," Owen wondered. 

She nodded her head, which confirmed his theory of this only working one way. Thankfully, he was an expert at reading lips, especially hers. She had the side of her face pressed desperately against the square, her nose squished at a weird angle sideways. 

"I'm going to go get help! Where's Otis," he exclaimed, his brown eyes already searching hers for an answer. 

"He's not here! He went on a special mission, that I know nothing about," Olympia yelled. 

It was obvious she was raising her voice, by how red her face got. 

"Don't worry. I'm on it," Owen called back, although he wasn't the one that couldn't be heard. 

He searched headquarters for someone to help, but Oona had assisted Otis on the top secret mission, along with Ms. O. Apparently they needed a scientist for the case, and Ms. O had wanted nothing more than to include Olympia, but it was impossible. Owen's eyes widened when he found a secret file, that he shouldn't have touched. It was just sitting right there on Ms. O's desk though, and it read, "Do Not Open. Top Secret," so of course he was going to want to open it. He quickly shut it, since he now knew why Olympia hadn't been including in the meeting. It involved one of the many secrets that Otis was infamous for keeping. Owen also knew that they wouldn't be back until the next day, and he had no idea who to contact. The cube had been a new invention for detaining villains, and no one knew how to work it except for Oona so far. Owen sighed as he dragged his feet all the way back to Olympia. She was sitting in one of the corners, her back facing him. He felt a slight aching inside when he could tell by how her shoulders sagged, that she had just sighed sadly. 

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