Never Feeling Better (Otis x Olympia)

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(Otis x Olympia)

It had been one of the worst days of Olympia's life so far, and she didn't see it getting any better. Her and Otis had been oddly arguing off and on all day, and even disagreeing on their methods on solving the case. It ended up that when Olympia miscalculated where to go, it resulted in them being completely covered in grape jam by the villain, Jamie Jam. Eventually by doing things Otis's way they had caught her, but the tension from that day had been getting to Otis too. 

"I told you I knew where she was! But you just didn't listen," he shouted at Olympia.

The tube operator, O'Callahan made a confused face, since he had never seen the two agents so steamed at each other. 

"My fault?! Who was the one that wanted to take a break for lunch, and for what, a lousy piece of bread," Olympia yelled back. 

"I didn't hear you complaining when you ate your hamburger," Otis pointed out. 

"If we hadn't taken that break, then we could have caught Jamie the first time! We actually got that location right," Olympia exclaimed in indignation. 

"Well, it's not my fault that you kept messing up the mission," Otis claimed. 

"I can't believe you just said that," Olympia admitted, but she was still extremely mad. 

"Take it back," she ordered, pushing him backwards some. 

"No," Otis protested, a rare fire burning in his eyes. 

"Yes," pressed Olympia, pushing him again. 

"Stop pushing me," he shouted. 

"That's what you were doing to me all day! Just pushing me around," she defended in a raised volume. 

Just then Otis had pushed her, and it was much harder than she had pushed him. She gasped as she fell to the floor, wincing when she felt a sharp pain in one of her wrists from breaking her fall. Otis's face instantly softened and any anger he had before vanished. His blue eyes had grown misty even as he stepped forward to help her up, but just by taking one step she flinched so horribly, that it made him stop. Olympia managed to stand up from the ground, but she wouldn't even look at him. Her head was hung low in a mixture of a thousand different emotions, fear/guilt/shame/sadness, but none of them included anger now. 

"I'm sorry, Otis. You were right all along," she stated. 

Otis wanted nothing more than to disagree with her, or to reach out and comfort her, but she had already shuffled back to the tube she had just arrived in. She didn't even have to say a single word as she sniffed loudly, and O'Callahan instantly got the hint. 

He announced, "Preparing to Squishinate! Squishinating!" 

Olympia was then off, and Otis had locked the hands that had hurt her moments before behind his back. Even with his expression filled with remorse, when he looked at O'Callahan, the tube operator was shaking his own head with a glare. Otis sighed loudly as he headed into headquarters, dreading it even more if he had to explain to Ms. O why his partner was missing. Olympia didn't stop once she had exited the tube entrance from behind a tree. She was really grateful that Polly wasn't currently at her lemonade stand, because she wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. She trudged all the way through town, and then down some back alleyways, before stopping at a place closer to the country. She sighed as she walked up the familiar, creaking steps, and twisted the loose doorknob. Inside was a dark room, but instead of flicking on a light switch, she got to work on lighting all the simple candles she owned. She decided that she would just stay in the living room, especially since the upstairs floor seemed unstable at times. She sat on the surprisingly clean couch, since that's what she always did with this house. She would clean it constantly to cure herself of any negative feelings, or to keep busy. Plus, even though the place was slowly falling to ruins, she wanted to preserve it, because it had been where she lived ever since she was a little baby. She choked back a tear as she remembered the two people that used to make sure the older house never lost its luster, or fell apart. She called them, mom and dad.

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