Greater Now (Otis x Olympia)

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(Otis x Olympia)

Everyone that knew Olympia wasn't blind to her bubbly and outgoing personality. They also knew that she was the master of rambling, and rarely seen without a smile. The secret they didn't know though, was part of the reason why Olympia was so positive...

It was just another normal day at the squad, where Otis and Olympia had expertly solved a case together. They then went out for lunch at Debbie's Pizzeria, and evening was approaching fast.

"Are you done with your paperwork, partner," Otis wondered, although he always knew what the answer was.

"Yes! What about you," Olympia casually questioned back.

"I'll finish it up tomorrow...," Otis sheepishly trailed off.

Olympia just simply nodded though with her typical, big smile. Soon they were walking through the tube lobby, and finally they had scrunched down in the tubes to leave.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Olympia," Otis spoke seriously.

"I'll see you too, Otis," Olympia brightly chirped.

Then they were whooshing off to their separate destinations. Otis was simply strolling along like he always did, and normally there were no problems that would arise. It was a different scenario for Olympia though, and she couldn't avoid conflict, no matter how hard she tried.

"Oh look, it's little Miss too good for our school, because she's a special agent working for the government, or whatever," sneered a girl as Olympia passed by.

The girl had long, bouncy brown curls, and dark brown eyes that could be quite intimidating. It was no surprise that she also had a posse along with her, of a girl with short, golden blonde hair, and another with medium-length, light brown hair. Olympia did her best to ignore the negative voice as she moved along.

"Hey! I was talking to you," called out the girl, who went by the name of Kendra.

"And I'm trying to get home," Olympia shot back, not in the mood for her games.

"Yeah, well, you're at that squad so much I thought it was your home," shouted Kendra.

"Thank you very much. Actually, it is like a second home to me, but that's none of your business," Olympia added, still barely sounding rude.

"I think it is my business. You live on the same street as us, and you used to go to the same school. You look even worse than you did then. You replaced your purple glasses for those ugly red ones, and the old ones were not that great either," Kendra insulted her.

"I don't care what you say. I love Odd Squad! Odd Squad is my life," Olympia snapped back, doing her best to block out the possibility of pain.

"Yeah, because you're odd. At least we're normal," Kendra bragged.

She had hit a sensitive nerve as Olympia blinked back her tears. All throughout her grade school days, she had constantly heard things like you are so odd, and you're too ugly to even be a human being. Even though Olympia had buried those comments deeply away, the main solution she found to cope with them was to be extra positive. Eventually, pretending to be happy all the time had made her blindly feel as though everything was fine, and that her past never happened. She was constantly reminded of it though by Kendra and her gang, and she could only take so much of hearing their bullying 365 days in a year, before it took a real toll on her.

"I'd rather be nice and odd, than mean and normal any old day," she claimed, but her voice had cracked, revealing her weakness.

Kendra smirked, as she began circling her as though she was a lion tracking down its prey.

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