Some Things That Never Change (Olympia x Otis)

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(Olympia x Otis)

"Otis, where are you taking me," Olympia giggled, as Otis dragged her down some hallways with his hand around her wrist. 

"Don't ask questions," he ordered, seeming embarrassed about whatever it was. 

He was avoiding her line of sight more than usual, and he seemed so fidgety whenever she brought the subject up. Soon they were entering a room, Olympia sitting next to Otis at one of the long, rectangular, smooth, white tables. 

"I am Agent Obfusco, and today we will be making hats made out of bread. It reminds me of a time that I wrestled a kangaroo...," he began telling the longest story of Olympia's life. 

It had to be bad if she was getting bored, since she was known as one of the top ramblers at Odd Squad. 

She was almost falling asleep as she leaned her chin against the palm of her hand, accidentally pushing her glasses up too far as her head fell, but then Obfusco yelled, "Now!" 

She jumped and looked over at Otis, completely shocked that he was still paying attention just as much as the first minute. 

"This used to be a bologna hat making class, but I have changed it to a bread hat making class," Obfusco informed them, whipping out a sombrero crafted completely out of bread. 

He took a deep whiff of it before adding, "Nutritious, and fashionable." 

Then he had put the hat on, and was dancing a square dance or something. 

"Otis. What did you sign us up for," Olympia emphasized on each syllable quietly. 

"Sorry, partner. I wanted to check it out, but I didn't want to go alone," he confessed, scrunching his eyebrows. 

"It's okay. Maybe it will be fun. At least you're doing something social," Olympia warmly smiled. 

Just then though she looked around the room, and her smile vanished when she realized they were the only ones there. 

"Ah," Otis and her both shouted, when Obfusco popped up right in front of them. 

"Hello, my gorgeous ham sandwiches. You may begin...," he trailed off dramatically, holding up a single hand, the other one showing off his hat. 

Olympia shook her head some, Otis actually doing the same, before they picked up their first slice of bread. 

"Now, first you must make friends with the bread, like a honey badger and a cheetah cub," Obfusco told them. 

Olympia was even more worried, since she couldn't understand anything he was exactly saying. She was doing her best to quickly create the mold for her hat, while Otis was casually getting it done. 

"Excellent. You are now ready for step two," Obfusco grinned with his classic mustache. 

"You need to shape it, not like geese heading south for the winter, but a cobra ready to strike," Obfusco explained. 

Olympia's mouth was almost hanging open, as Otis followed the instructions as though they were simple. 

"Step three," announced Obfusco as he jumped in front of them again. 

Olympia still jerked back for the umpteenth time, her hat not nearly as nice as Otis's. 

"You need to add your own touches, like a butterfly flying through a rainbow," he bobbed his head. 

"Ugh... fine," expressed Olympia, her patience running thin, which was rare for her. 

Finally the class was over and Olympia was walking out, holding her hat, while Otis was proudly wearing his sombrero. 

"I can't believe you actually enjoyed that," Olympia admitted. 

Otis was managing to walk with his arms behind his back through the hall of doors. 

"No, actually I was totally dyin'," he confided, her looking at him in disbelief. 

"Then why did you drag me there, and why did you even sign up for it in the first place," she questioned incredulously. 

"Because you're always saying how I should try out new things more, and I love bread," he shrugged defensively, him even holding his hands up a little near his sides. 

"Otis...," trailed off Olympia, instantly being able to see right through him. 

"Fine... I'll admit the bread is the only reason why I went there. And it was the only class that I liked well enough to join... Even though I just wanted to join a class to spend more time with you," he mumbled on the end. 

"What was that, Otis," Olympia cut in, barely hearing him. 

He sighed as his shoulders sagged, but eventually his quiet speech clicked in her mind. 

"You wanted to join a club just so you could spend extra time with me? Why," she wondered, yet she was on the verge of grinning stupidly. 

"Because I like being with you, and sometimes I wish we could hang out more after work," he embarrassedly confessed. 

"Aw... Otis, I'd like to spend more time with you too," Olympia reassured him, as she gently touched his shoulder. 

They had just paused near an entrance to the main part of headquarters. 

"Really," he asked, his serious expression back and his arms stuck behind his back. 

"Really," Olympia confirmed with a small smile. 

Gradually Otis was half-smirking, and then it was transforming into a sweet smile of his own. 

"So, do you want to go have a snack now," he suggested, taking his hat off to gesture to it. 

"Sure. Why not," Olympia shrugged, them both sitting at their desks. 

"I think it's missing something though," Olympia commented, as she made a face after biting into the plain, white bread. 

"Are you kidding? It's amazing," Otis reacted enthusiastically. 

He had no problem with gobbling up the plain food. 

"That's fine for you, but I think I'm going to add something to mine," she told him, standing up and coming back with a gadget. 

"Hot-Dog-Inator," she happily announced, zapping a hot dog into a slice of bread that she folded up. 

"Can I have one too," Otis reluctantly asked. 

Olympia shrugged before responding, "Why not?" 

Then she had zapped a hot dog onto his bread as well. 

"Thanks, partner," he grinned. 

"No problem," Olympia replied. 

"Hot diggity dog," Otis said before biting into his food. 

It was funny how instead of getting upset about that memory, where they were transported to an unknown moment into the future, all Olympia felt was warmth. Otis had said the same thing right before he ate the hot dog in then. She was glad that even though his people skills were getting better, there were still some things that never change.

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this. (: I literally got the idea when Oscar's talking in between Odd Squad episodes, about bologna hat making classes with Obfusco. I instantly thought of Otis and his love of bread after. Thank you so much for reading! And as always, please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thanks! (:

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