Enchanted (Otis x Orchid)

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(Otis x Orchid)

There was one thing Otis was certain of, and that was he was not a fan of parties. Although, the idea of a masquerade was more appealing, since no one would know one another's identity. Otis found himself getting ready moments before he was due to travel through the tubes. He adjusted his black tux and matching tie, making sure that his hair was gelled straight back to further hide his identity. The mask he chose was a simple, black one, and while it normally would have resembled a burglar's, on him it was more of a Zorro effect.

When he entered headquarters, the lights were dimmed, and at first he felt as though he was walking into a room filled with strangers. Of course, that didn't last long...

"Hey, Otis!" A girl in a simple black dress, with it a little more sheer around the neck with dark polka dots showed up. Her long, curly hair was a definite giveaway. Even though it was normally pulled up into a swinging ponytail, there was no mistaking that shade, or her bubbly personality.

"Olympia, it's a masquerade," he stated flatly.

"Yeah, I know," she nearly squealed, missing the point. "Awww.... We're matching!" She beamed as she noticed the identical black fabric.

Otis sighed some in response. "Yes, Olympia, but it's a masquerade. No one's supposed to know who anyone is."

She sort of frowned as she dragged out a tiny bit, "Oh yeah..." Her mask was also black, and it angled upwards with a cat eye effect, beautiful, sparkly swirls climbing the edges.

"Howdy do!" Another familiar person popped up beside them, tugging a bit on the top of the skirt to their dress. They were sporting a neon green color, and their dark brown hair was pulled straight back into a half-ponytail per usual.

"Hey Oona...," the pair greeted.

"How'd you know it was me," Oona wondered, gazing at them beyond her white mask, with grey, twisting sparkles.

"Who else says, howdy do," Otis asked.

"Good point." She awkwardly scanned the room.

Olympia quickly broke the silence. "So! I wonder where Ms. O is."

Just then a boy in a white suit in the distance, accidentally spilled water on a smaller girl all decked out in violet.

"OSCAR!" There was no mistaking that thundering voice.

"I guess we found Ms. O," Olympia admitted, pursing her lips together.

"And Oscar," Otis added.

"Is there anyone we can't recognize here," questioned Olympia.

"Hey dudes and dudettes," greeted a guy in a black tuxedo, along with dark shoes with no tops?

"I guess not," Olympia said, already knowing this mystery person was Ocean.

The rest of the evening went on this way, identities being revealed left and right.

"Going on break!"

"Dude, you're not even working right now."

"Oh yeah."

"Ow! I think I twisted my ankle when I fell! Is there a doctor in the house?"

"Did somebody call for a doctor? Give it plenty of rest, and it should be better soon. What's next?!"

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