Filled With Regret-Part 2 (Dr. O x Otis)

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(Dr. O x Otis)

Dr. O was finally going to visit the Odd Squad she used to work at again. Normally, she wouldn't be so anxious, but the thought of seeing Otis had this kind of affect on her. All she could think about for months was their accidental phone call, and how she believed he never heard her say, "I think I could have loved you." Little did she know, he heard every word, and had even agreed with her, saying it back. Her line on the phone had been messed up because of being in outer space, so she thought she had already hung up when she said it. As she walked into those headquarters, she vowed to be a better person, a more open person, a person with more emotion... She stopped dead in her tracks though when she saw them together, Otis and Olympia. It wasn't like it had been before though, because they were not only laughing and talking together, but Olympia pecked his lips as she stood up from her desk to go somewhere else. Otis gave her a special grin as he sat on the edge of her desk, and Dr. O struggled to swallow away the lump in her throat. 

"Dr. O. You weren't supposed to arrive for a couple more hours," Ms. O stated as she walked up beside her. 

Her boss had the typical juice box in her hand, but that was one thing Dr. O wouldn't of cared if it had changed. 

"Yes. My space ship arrived earlier than expected," Dr. O answered promptly. 

"Well, I was going to have a surprise welcome back party for you. It was such a surprise, that none of the other agents knew, but it's not ready quite yet," Ms. O sheepishly replied. 

"Don't worry about it. I'm a doctor. That's the first thing they teach you in medical school, to be patient," Dr. O claimed. 

"Well, the party will be at the time you were supposed to arrive, which is in a little less than two hours," Ms. O noted after glancing at a clock. 

A few minutes had passed, since they started talking. 

"I'll be there," Dr. O promised seriously. 

Ms. O smiled softly at her as she admitted, "It's good to have you back." Dr. O nodded once, before she was approached by an overly happy Olympia. 

"Dr. O! I didn't know you were coming! Do you want me to show you the changes around headquarters," Olympia asked excitedly. 

"Sure," Dr. O responded, but still staying serious. 

"Yay," exclaimed Olympia, leading her all around to the different rooms in the hall of doors, then some other small changes, and finally upstairs to meet the new doctor. 

"This is the new doctor O," Olympia proudly announced, the wide smile never once leaving her face. 

"Who's this," the boy with dark skin asked. 

"My name's Dr. O. I used to be the doctor at Odd Squad," Dr. O stated. 

"Ah, yes, I've heard of you. I think I worked on your office once. Anyway, it's nice to meet you," he softly smiled. 

"Thank you," Dr. O reacted with little emotion per usual. 

After an awkward pause, the boy ended up saying in a calm, normal voice, "So, what's next?" 

Dr. O was an expert at hiding the immense shock at him using her catchphrase, and some jealousy welled up inside of her. 

"Well, I better be going. I don't want to be late to my party," Dr. O shared. 

"There's a party," wondered Olympia, nearly squealing. 

"Oh right, Ms. O wanted it to be a surprise for me, and everyone here that I'm back," Dr. O remembered. 

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