Different (Oren x Olive)

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(Oren x Olive)

Olive could honestly say that she had had a pretty nice day so far. It wasn't fantastic, but it wasn't a total disaster either. She had easily solved two cases that morning with Otto so far, and now she was headed to get lunch. The item on the menu wasn't her favorite meal, but she liked it. It was just an ordinary, good day, until she ran into him...

"Watch where you're going," snapped a familiar, rude voice.

She had just smacked straight into someone, and now they were both on the floor beside one another.

"You should watch where you're going, Oren. You came out of nowhere," she accused, not up for his annoying remarks.

"I'm Olaf," exclaimed a boy standing next to them. He was grinning widely as though no one was in a bad mood.

"Whatever. Just hand me my bag. I have to exchange these dollars for Jackalope dollars. Ms. O wants Odd Squad to have their own currency," Oren explained.

"Fine," Olive agreed, noticing there were also a few coins on the ground. "Great! My change fell out of my pocket!"

"No, that's mine," Oren claimed.

"I think it's both of our change," Olive observed.

They both pretty much butted heads, as they scrambled to pick up their money as quickly as possible.

"60 cents exactly," Olive proudly said, as she looked at the circles in her hand.

"If you'll excuse us, Olaf and I have some important, official Odd Squad business to attend to," Oren sassed.

Olive could hear his partner adding onto that statement. "I'm Olaf!"

She shook her head once they were out of sight, heading towards the hall of doors. She had forgotten to make sure she locked the Banana Room the last time she used it. Of course, it was one of the least dangerous doors in headquarters.

On her way there, she screamed when she brushed against a wall of bricks, them crumbling away as though they were dust. She nearly fell into the Bottomless Pit Room, narrowly escaping disaster by putting her hands against the door frame. She was still breathing heavily after slowly stepping away from the entrance, her hands slightly up in caution. What had happened? She knew that the reason Owen had made a brick wall for that room, was because of how dangerous they realized it was. She shuddered when she thought of falling for forever, no one able to hear her cries. She needed to report this right away, but when she took her badge phone off her suit, it broke in half

"Seriously," she shouted, throwing one of her hands out beside her. She hurried past the Banana Room, forgetting all about it, but apparently it hadn't forgotten about her. Coincidentally, her foot slid on something yellow and she fell straight on her back. She groaned slightly, trying to stop seeing blotchy stars from the impact of the fall. "Seriously? What is going on?"

She safely discarded the banana peel before locking the door it came from. She was then running to the bullpen, and that was when she fell through a chimney!

"Sorry, Olive, I was working on a new way of getting down the chimney for Santa. Christmas is only 6 months away," Oscar spoke from above. He tugged on his lab coat, as he looked down at the girl covered in soot.

"How did you get a chimney in the middle of the floor," she wondered.

"Oh, that's easy, with my new Chimney-Inator," Oscar proudly announced, whipping out a gadget from behind his back with a small, brick top of a chimney right in front of the handle.

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