Seamless (Owen x Olympia x Otis)

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(Owen x Olympia x Otis)

Olympia loved her life at Odd Squad, and she thought her relationship between two certain boys was normal. Otis was her best friend, while Owen was just an acquaintance, that she talked to from time to time, but from their point of view, she was completely wrong. 

"Hey Otis, I see you just caught a blob," Owen noted, since Otis had blue, glowing slime all over his suit. 

"Yeah...," Otis hesitantly trailed off, his eyebrows knit together in confusion. 

"You might want to clean your suit off, before Olympia sees you. Oh wait, here she comes now," Owen pointed out, obviously trying to make Otis upset. 

"Uh, she went on the mission with me. She just got cleaned up first," Otis explained. 

"Man," Owen muttered to himself, just as the smiling redhead reached them. 

"Hey guys. What's going on," she wondered, not used to seeing the two boys together. 

"Nothing," Otis shot out. 

"Yeah huh! We were just about to agree on a cooking contest," Owen cut in. 

"What," Otis exclaimed in disbelief. 

"Yeah, then we'll know who's worthy enough for Olympia's heart," Owen bragged. 

"Woah, woah, woah, what's going on here? Why are you two trying to win my heart," Olympia questioned. 

"Because I like you, and it's about time I stood up to your partner. I'm always staying back on the sidelines, but not today! Cooking is one of my best skills, so you better be prepared to lose," Owen warned Otis, getting right up in his face before leaving. 

"What just happened," Olympia inquired, completely confused. 

"I think I just got involved in a cooking contest with Owen," Otis commented. 

"Why...," Olympia trailed off uncertainly. 

Just then Otis jumped off the edge of his desk he was sitting on, all of a sudden looking at his partner with great determination. 

"Because I'm not letting anyone steal you away from me. You're my partner, and only I can like you," he stated confidently. 

"What's happening," Olympia repeated from earlier, but Otis had already sauntered off.

A few days later Otis and Owen were standing on opposite sides of headquarters, everyone gathered around to see the two agents fighting over one girl. 

"I didn't even know either one of them liked me before now," Olympia admitted to her good friend, Oona. 

"Seriously? I could always tell Otis liked you. Now Owen, I did not see coming," Oona confided. 

Olympia sighed in frustration, before meeting up with Otis before the competition began. 

"What are you making, Otis," Olympia questioned with a warm smile. 

She tried to lean closer to peer into the steel pot, just to realize it was empty. 

"Hamburgers," Otis informed her with a serious nod. 

"But you only like the bun to hamburgers...," Olympia recalled, not understanding his choice. 

"But it's the food we always share together," Otis clarified. 

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